des nouvelles de Tampa!lol

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des nouvelles de Tampa!lol

Messagepar Jon Gruden » 02 Déc 2003, 03:45

TAMPA - While most everyone else was eating turkey dinner, watching football or napping Thursday, Bucs owner Malcolm Glazer was increasing his stake in the English soccer club Manchester United.
Glazer bumped his share of the team from 9.7 percent to just less than 15 percent, according to a report in Friday's Wall Street Journal.

Glazer's stock purchase fueled further speculation of a takeover battle between the Glazer family and two horse racing tycoons who recently have amassed a 25 percent stake in the team.

There is a chance, however, that Glazer's purchases are simply smart business. Since the start of the year, the stock price for shares in Manchester United has soared by 150 percent.

MU a l' air d' attirer les convoitises!
une famille de morons a la tête de MU?
voilà le pére malcolm:
:oops: :? :lol: :lol: :lol:
vous avez demandé les fils Joel, Bryan et Edwrad:lol: :

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: et re- :lol:
de belles têtes de vainqueurs! :lol: la classe mondiale!
"Je crois fermement que pour tout homme ... l' apothéose, pour tout ce qui lui est cher ... vient lorsqu' il s' est bien battu pour la bonne cause ... et git, épuisé, sur le champ de bataille, victorieux."
Vince Lombardi [1913-1970]
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Messagepar ideh » 02 Déc 2003, 19:51

il fait froid ici
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Messagepar sum » 02 Déc 2003, 20:00

putain ils sont louper ces fils, troi garcon troi vilain
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Messagepar Ryo Saeba » 02 Déc 2003, 20:00

le 1er a un air de thierry roland :lol:
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Messagepar EL MAGNIFICO » 02 Déc 2003, 20:19

JP McManus et John Magnier vont aussi dici peu de temps prendre + daction de M.U

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Messagepar Jon Gruden » 08 Déc 2003, 23:27

Irish racing tycoons buy more stock in United

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Associated Press
Dec 8, 2003 4:48 p.m.

LONDON (AP)— Irish race horse owners JP McManus and John Magnier bought more stock in Manchester United, increasing their stake to nearly 25 percent.
The pair's company, Cubic Expression, increased its holding of ordinary shares to 63,286,893 and now holds 24.24 percent of United's stock, the club said in a statement Monday to the stock exchange.

McManus and Magnier previously held 23.15 percent after doubling their share in early October.

American businessman Malcolm Glazer, owner of the Super Bowl champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers, raised his share in Manchester United to 14.31 percent on Dec. 1.

The buying of shares has prompted speculation of a possible takeover bid for the club.

Magnier is currently in a legal dispute with Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson over the ownership rights to Rock of Gibraltar, the record-breaking Group 1 winner now standing at stud at Magnier's Coolmore Stud in Ireland.

Ferguson claims he was given half a share of Rock of Gibraltar as a gift from Magnier and reportedly wants half of the stud fees earned by the horse. Those fees could be worth between 50 million pounds (US$80 million) and 100 million pounds (US$160 million).

Magnier has described the action as "without merit" and said he would "vigorously" contest the case.

les irlandais se replace pour le sprint final :? :D
"Je crois fermement que pour tout homme ... l' apothéose, pour tout ce qui lui est cher ... vient lorsqu' il s' est bien battu pour la bonne cause ... et git, épuisé, sur le champ de bataille, victorieux."
Vince Lombardi [1913-1970]
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Messagepar mr.le.maire » 09 Déc 2003, 00:31

et pendant ce temps .. la gauche se cherche un leader ..
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