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el loco a écrit:c'est ça l'OM je me rappellerais toujours la place Bellecour noire de monde pour fêter la victoire marseillaise en coupe d'Europe, tout le monde s'embrassait, ça klaxonnait
Arteta pour cissé
27 05 2004
Kapo visits Juventus
Olivier Kapo is a new Juventus player. He arrived in Turin last Tuesday to meet the team and to familiarize with the city that from this summer will give him hospitality. In an interview he said: “ I’ve talked to Ferrara, Maresca and some other colleagues and I felt a familiar atmosphere, but compared to Auxerre, everything is amplified. We must remember that Juventus is one of the most important team in the world.” He also said: “I’m looking forward for the moment I’ll start my adventure in this team, in the meanwhile I’ll study some Italian.”
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