Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Vodevil » 25 Mai 2019, 19:32

Arno26 a écrit:
sur chronos pendant le live de la réserve ils viennent de confirmer que c’est AVB, ils sont sûrs d’eux

On lance le projet roulette russe là. Ça fait peur et comme tu dis ça peut être la fin du projet.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Delio » 25 Mai 2019, 19:38

Ca donne pas envie AVB.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Remind » 25 Mai 2019, 19:38

Plus ça va et plus je me dis qu’AVB c’est une très mauvaise nouvelle...
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar gigi » 25 Mai 2019, 19:44

Remind, qu’est ce qui peut bien te faire dire ça à part le fait que ce coach n’a presque rien branlé de sa carrière alors qu’il coute un bras ?
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Arno26 » 25 Mai 2019, 19:56

Quelques avis de supporters du Zénith

Grigoriy: I don’t think AVB is a good coach. Due to the fact that he got his coaching education under Mourinho’s supervision, I assume that he wants to be the center of everybody’s attention, just like his mentor. He only wants to work for the clubs who can dominate the others because of their huge budgets, and that’s why he came to Saint Petersburg. With Garay and Javi Garcia immediately bought on his request, he was sure that Zenit would continue signing top-players. However, seeing the country’s officials setting a new limit on foreigners in the Russian football and the fans wishing to see local players in the club’s squad, he became disillusioned with the Russian League and probably concluded that the club was not really interested in achieving great goals and thus didn’t correspond to his ambitions.

With him already being set to leave, I don’t think AVB will strive to change anything radically here. I believe he will leave Saint Petersburg with his head high, though everybody understands that he could have built a much more successful career here had it not been for his nervousness and petulance.

Stefan: Villas-Boas succeeded in bringing the Russian championship back to Saint Petersburg. I think Zenit became more aggressive in attack under AVB with not only Hulk scoring goals but Rondon as well. Furthermore, as the Portuguese prefers his center-backs to play high up the pitch, Zenit conceded fewer goals than what they used to.

I understand AVB and his numerous complaints because as long as there is a limit on foreigners in Russia, our football will be far behind our European counterparts as we have few players of European class. On the whole, I like AVB as a coach because he made Zenit play better, which was obvious during the previous season.

Georgiy: I don’t think Villas-Boas a suitable coach for the Russian League and for Zenit in particular. His working approach is in some way amateurish as the nationality of his players seems to be more important for him than their professional qualities. Decisions such as passing the captain’s armband from Lombaerts to Danny or getting rid of Kerzhakov are significant. He doesn’t even try to work under conditions of a new limit on foreign players but only complains and prepares to leave the club. Although he got some success with FC Porto, I believe he’s just a mediocre, overestimated coach who hasn’t achieved anything outside Portugal. Zenit needs a Russian coach who will carefully work with the local players, especially ahead of the World Cup in 2018.

Alexei: My impression of AVB managing Zenit is far from good. The nice thing about him is that he helped the club to finally achieve the first ‘star’ above its badge [Editor’s note: Russian clubs get a star above their badge for every 5 league titles they get]. I also like the way Igor Smolnikov improved his play under the Portuguese coach, but that’s it.

As for the negative points, the first for me was the way Villas-Boas treated Aleksandr Kerzhakov, a legendary player in Russian football. It looked really ugly for a high-class manager. Then, AVB failed in Europe, as Zenit didn’t qualify for the knock-out stage in the Champions League, and was later defeated by Sevilla in Europa League, despite the fact that Zenit had a very strong squad. Finally, I don’t like AVB for not trusting young players from the club academy.

Nikita: I like AVB very much. Surely, he’s hard to deal with but looking at some truly great managers, such as Mourinho or van Gaal one must admit that their difficult natures haven’t prevented them from gaining success in their job. AVB is a good coach and he is also quite experienced in working with star players, so I was deeply disappointed after the news about his imminent departure appeared in the press.

I was impressed with the way Zenit started playing after AVB joined the club and I respect the Portuguese even more from this season as he decided not to keep mum but to speak openly about different problems in Russian football, such as low-quality pitches, the new limit on foreign players, faulty refereeing etc. Villas-Boas’s courage distinguishes him from the majority of his counterparts. He is one of the most promising young managers in Europe and I’m sure he will achieve much in his job.

http://russianfootballnews.com/what-do- ... llas-boas/

À Chelsea, du Garcia dans toute sa splendeur

They [the players] don't have to back my project. It's the owner who backs my project. Some of them don't back the project? That is normal. I think the owner has full trust in me and will continue to progress with the ideas that we have.

The referee was poor. Very, very poor. And it reflected in the result. I spoke to him at the end and I was very aggressive. I don't care if he's OK or not. Anyone can have a bad day but this was not a bad day for us: it was a good day for us but a bad day for the referee. Conspiracy theories can lead to bans and people calling us cry babies, so we're not saying that. But it keeps happening.

He (Torres) had a good couple of chances, and for you to have chances you have to position yourself to have those good chances and he was there present. With a little bit more luck he will find the back of the net.

https://bleacherreport.com/articles/106 ... ger#slide3
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Rocca » 25 Mai 2019, 20:00

Bon, je suis convaincu ça y est
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Arno26 » 25 Mai 2019, 20:11

A tottenham

We looked like the away team. We played in a difficult atmosphere with almost no support," said Villas-Boas.
We didn't have the support we should have done. There was much anxiety from the stands, the players had to do it alone.

"We spoke about it at half-time. I told the players that we would have to do it on our own. They had to dig deep and look for the strength within themselves. They also believed that it's not easy to play in this stadium when the atmosphere is like this.

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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar boodream » 25 Mai 2019, 20:17

Ce qui rend fou c'est qu'il y énormément de profils intéressants sur le marché, surtout si tu me dis que t'as les moyens de faire AVB. Ils font la même chose que pour le 9 bordel.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar squall » 25 Mai 2019, 20:19

Même si c'est AVB, j'attendrai de voir les 1ers matchs, mais pas du tout emballé.Je serai moins patient que pour Rudi.
Allez MUC 72 !
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar guts64 » 25 Mai 2019, 20:22

Je vais vous dire, dans la situation où on est, malheureusement, on aura le choix qu´entre des types connus qui ont échoué et des inconnus qui n´ont rien prouvé au très haut niveau.
Heinze c´est vrai qu c´est alléchant sur le papier mais c´est sacrément risqué aussi.
C´est un vrai leap of faith.

Sur AVB faut espérer qu´il sache un tantinet se remettre en question et apprendre de ses erreurs.
Il est très jeune encore.
C´est clair que ça fait pas rêver sur le papier surtout si c´est un caractériel.
Conceicao maintenant que j´y pense, ça aurait été chouette.
Modifié en dernier par guts64 le 25 Mai 2019, 20:25, modifié 1 fois.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar gob » 25 Mai 2019, 20:24

Je pense qu’on peut trouver ce genre de commentaires sur tous les entraîneurs
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar boodream » 25 Mai 2019, 20:28

guts64, tout choix est risqué mais au moins Heinze t'essayes un truc. Là AVB aura le salaire d'un mec pour qui t'es supposé demander beaucoup de garanties. Espérons, si c'est lui, qu'il les apporte. Encore une fois, je ne peux pas m'exprimer sur un mec que je ne connais pas.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar skylolo13 » 25 Mai 2019, 20:36

Sincèrement si c’est AVB pas moyen que je me réabonne.. si c’est pour se faire chier au stade!
Suis vraiment deg si c’est lui, ce type est un Garcia craché, le mec est têtu, ne se remet jamais en question et quand il perd c’est pas sa faute..
Ils pensent vraiment qu’avec ce coach la flamme va revenir??
Très très déçu..
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar guts64 » 25 Mai 2019, 20:43

boodream a écrit:guts64, tout choix est risqué mais au moins Heinze t'essayes un truc. Là AVB aura le salaire d'un mec pour qui t'es supposé demander beaucoup de garanties. Espérons, si c'est lui, qu'il les apporte. Encore une fois, je ne peux pas m'exprimer sur un mec que je ne connais pas.

J´aurais sans doute préféré Heinze aussi surtout que comme beaucoup d´argentins de sa génération il semble vouloir s´inspirer de Bielsa. Qui sait si ce n´est pas un Pochettino en puissance.
Maintenant que veux tu, on va voir.
Faut voir déjà si AVB saura s´entendre au niveau des salaires et des moyens mis à sa disposition avec la direction.
Ça je le croirais quand je le verrais.
La direction de toute façon, je ne les vois pas aller sur un truc fantaisiste ou flamboyant à ce stade du projet.
Ça sera un choix boring sur un mec sur à priori.
Apparemment, Benitez s´était proposé. Ça m´étonne qu´ils l´aient refusé dans ce contexte là.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Remind » 25 Mai 2019, 20:46

Un mec comme Heinze pourrait décider Gustave à rester.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar boodream » 25 Mai 2019, 20:52

guts64, je dis peut-être une bêtise, mais me semble que quand Labrune voulait AVB c'était déjà parce que le mec était supposé savoir bosser avec peu de moyens. Ce qu'il n'a jamais fait hors Portugal a priori, cela dit.

Quand tu vois les déclas de FMC, ca sent fort la saison de transition façon Baup 2013 quand même.
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Rocca » 25 Mai 2019, 20:54

RMC parle d’un coach avec un staff élargi
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Pancho11 » 25 Mai 2019, 20:55

Villas Boas à des méthodes de travail très pointues et mise sur les jeunes
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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar Arno26 » 25 Mai 2019, 21:08

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Re: Qui pour remplacer Rudi Garcia ?

Messagepar ghosta » 25 Mai 2019, 21:26

guts64 a écrit:Ça sera un choix boring sur un mec sur à priori.

Sûr de quoi ? De foirer ?
AVB c'est le salaire d'un coach qui t'apporte des certitudes, sauf que lui n'en apporte aucune.
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