Sinon, demain devrait paraître le dernier épisode de la saga. Plus long que les deux précédents et celui que je trouve le plus instructif pour le lecteur qui ne s'intéresse que de loin à la tactique.
Je savais pas trop ou poster ca donc je le met ici. Desole c'est en anglais mais c'est un putin d'article sur l'histoire de notre club, avec une bonne petite dose d'Anigo le denominateur commun de toutes les magouilles, la poignee d'ultras qui tient le club en Bielsa.
Marcelo Bielsa’s appointment earlier this year was the 36 change at Marseille in less than 28 years. Notwithstanding this carousel of coaches (whose power, with few exceptions, was mostly restricted to the training ground), some names come up again and again at OM. José Anigo served as sports director, general manager, and head coach before he was appointed OM’s chief scout for Africa and left his native Marseille for Morocco last May. This was a not-so-gentle push towards the exit door after Anigo’s two decades of string-pulling in the Green Room.
His departure was not unanimously regretted. He’d been the link between the pre-Tapie Marseille and the Marseille of today; he’d also been an albatross around the club’s reputation. His love of OM was undeniable, but so were his links to Marseille’s underworld. “This city eats its own children,” he told a reporter after his son, Adrien, was shot dead in broad daylight on 5 September 2013. Two bullets, one to the head, one to the throat; 9mm, the signature of professionals. The killers, who fled on a motorbike, have not been caught, and won’t be. That same reporter noticed that Anigo’s villa in Aubagne, sitting atop a hill overlooking that beautiful, fucked-up city, was equipped with bullet-proof windows.
This explains why what should be the most desirable property in French football, potentially a member of the European super-elite (given the size of the city, the club’s popularity outside its limits, and its history), will have to wait a long time before an emir, an oligarch, or an investment fund will sink millions into it. Marseille, the best-supported club in the country, far more than PSG, is virtually unsellable due to the influence yielded by its five official groups of ultras which, taken together, claim a membership of over 15,000 match-goers.
Si ça reste à l'état de conseil pour Marcelo et pas +, l'idée serait pas idiote. Après, si c'est pour avoir davantage de pouvoir et ce genre de dérapages dont tu parles, no mercy.
Taye[spoiler]3 a écrit:Je savais pas trop ou poster ca donc je le met ici. Desole c'est en anglais mais c'est un putin d'article sur l'histoire de notre club, avec une bonne petite dose d'Anigo le denominateur commun de toutes les magouilles, la poignee d'ultras qui tient le club en Bielsa.
Marcelo Bielsa’s appointment earlier this year was the 36 change at Marseille in less than 28 years. Notwithstanding this carousel of coaches (whose power, with few exceptions, was mostly restricted to the training ground), some names come up again and again at OM. José Anigo served as sports director, general manager, and head coach before he was appointed OM’s chief scout for Africa and left his native Marseille for Morocco last May. This was a not-so-gentle push towards the exit door after Anigo’s two decades of string-pulling in the Green Room.
His departure was not unanimously regretted. He’d been the link between the pre-Tapie Marseille and the Marseille of today; he’d also been an albatross around the club’s reputation. His love of OM was undeniable, but so were his links to Marseille’s underworld. “This city eats its own children,” he told a reporter after his son, Adrien, was shot dead in broad daylight on 5 September 2013. Two bullets, one to the head, one to the throat; 9mm, the signature of professionals. The killers, who fled on a motorbike, have not been caught, and won’t be. That same reporter noticed that Anigo’s villa in Aubagne, sitting atop a hill overlooking that beautiful, fucked-up city, was equipped with bullet-proof windows.
This explains why what should be the most desirable property in French football, potentially a member of the European super-elite (given the size of the city, the club’s popularity outside its limits, and its history), will have to wait a long time before an emir, an oligarch, or an investment fund will sink millions into it. Marseille, the best-supported club in the country, far more than PSG, is virtually unsellable due to the influence yielded by its five official groups of ultras which, taken together, claim a membership of over 15,000 match-goers.
Great read. I went to a PSG home game v Marseille about a decade ago - the away fans sang and cheered for the entire match, drowning out the whimpers of the apathetic home support.
Cette citation dans les commentaires de l'article cité plus haut.
EDIT : une autre
OM makes any club in UK look like the Vatican's football team.
Great read. I went to a PSG home game v Marseille about a decade ago - the away fans sang and cheered for the entire match, drowning out the whimpers of the apathetic home support.
Cette citation dans les commentaires de l'article cité plus haut.
EDIT : une autre
OM makes any club in UK look like the Vatican's football team.
Great read. I went to a PSG home game v Marseille about a decade ago - the away fans sang and cheered for the entire match, drowning out the whimpers of the apathetic home support.
Cette citation dans les commentaires de l'article cité plus haut.
EDIT : une autre
OM makes any club in UK look like the Vatican's football team.
And that is OM's particular charm.
Comme on dit, l'herbe est toujours plus verte chez le voisin.
De fait, ça permet de relativiser un peu de lire des commentaires (et un article) objectif.
Et c'est reposant de ne pas lire toutes les trois lignes Marseille cé dé vauleurs aller lé verres / lolilol lé ras y croive kon lés aiment alor ke cé dé rajeu jalous / lol K-pital Ici cé Paris / Le mailleur public de Fronce ch'é à Lens come mème car in à un keur gros come so / Fi ! A Bordeaux nous ne goûtons guère les rodomontades des cuistres marseillais etc...
Celui d'un supporter de l'Etoile Rouge qui était au match en 1991 est pas mal non plus.
The thing that stands out in my mind from that evening is watching the OM fans in their section across from our section. About 10-15 minutes before kick-off, they all started jumping up and down and singing. Nothing new there, but this was about 15,000-20,000 people doing it in unison - it looked like the stadium was rocking and bouncing with them. In all my years of going to football and watching it, it was one of the most amazing sights I have seen.
Je ferai avec les joueurs que j' ai ! pour Ayew, c' est au joueur et au club de voir ...
Déroute à Grenoble ?
Publiquement, je ne dis pas tout ce que je pense ! mais c' est de la responsabilité de l' entraîneur de se servir de la différence énorme entre 2 clubs . On a faciliter leur réussite avec nos erreurs , on a joué de façon désastreuse .
On a essayé Payet, Gignac, sur le côté mais il faut continuer à explorer d' autres pistes .
Demain, on sera offensifs ! je ne sais pas encore mon onze de départ .
Les défenseurs centraux n' ont pas eu de problème contre Grenoble, mais les retours étaient désorganisés et trop de pertes de ballons .
Manque de mouvements et de mobilité de l' équipe . Fanni et Morel bonne option .
Alternatives ; Aloé et Doria . L' absence de N'Koulou sera comblée comme ça .
Les contre - attaques nous font mal quand on perd le ballon et qu' on se replie mal , quel que soit l' adversaire .
Pour le mercato, j' ai dit ce que j' avais à dire cet été , rien à rajouter ....