[OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Actualité, matchs, Olympique de Marseille, Ligue 1, championnats étrangers et football en général, c'est ici que ça se passe !

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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Torben Frank » 21 Fév 2013, 18:27

C'est exactement pareil avec les youpins, les nègres et les bougnoules, c'est du trop plein d'amour :ptdr:

ps : ce post est susceptible de contenir de l'humour :mrgreen:
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar oukimaya » 21 Fév 2013, 19:42

Le match est retrnamis ?
Tous avec les coincoins !
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar aristote2 » 21 Fév 2013, 19:50

Sur Bein Sport 1
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar peezee » 21 Fév 2013, 20:09

Assou Ekoto il est génial, une fois qu'il a passé son adversaire (et c'est souvent le cas), bah ça lui suffit pas, il faut qu'il redouble ou triple ou quadruple son dribble, et à chaque fois il se faire reprendre le ballon ça loupe pas. :lol: #-o

Hou putaing j'ai vu Deschamps dans les tribunes...! :ladeche:

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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar peezee » 21 Fév 2013, 20:26

Après le poteau, c'est la transversale de Verfoutre qui a une chance de...

Chaud en tous cas le match, tout peut arriver dans les 25mns qui restent...

:shock: Encore une frapasse de Bale, Verfoutre boxe le ballon tout juste, putain ça CHAUFFE...!!

"Well done. Religion has just killed another person"@DrHouse
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Torben Frank » 21 Fév 2013, 21:04

Tout se passe parfaitement ... le titre de champion de France est pour nous 8)
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar oukimaya » 21 Fév 2013, 21:06

Pas de chance quand meme ce but dans les dernieres minutes de Tottenham :?
Tous avec les coincoins !
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar peezee » 21 Fév 2013, 21:07

Pareil qu'au match aller. Z'ont fait exprès, notre ami LOListe a raison.

"Well done. Religion has just killed another person"@DrHouse
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Lorenzin' » 21 Fév 2013, 21:10

Toi le danois de Lyon, il a fallu que ton club récidive en faisant n'importe quoi en fin de match.
Et cette fois ci devant l'Europe entière. Fais attention ça risque de devenir une mauvaise marque de fabrique. :mrgreen:


je souffre comme une baudruche de ne pas voir l'OM encore en course en UEFA Cup. :(
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Torben Frank » 21 Fév 2013, 21:21

D'un côté je me dis que de toutes manières on aurait pas gagner cette coupe alors autant sortir tôt et jouer le championnat à mort (Ohème-staïle), de l'autre j'ai quand même l'anus douloureux. :cry:
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Lorenzin' » 21 Fév 2013, 21:29

Quite à te prendre un pion autant le faire dans les normes et pas à la dernière minute.
Pour moi c'est clairement un attentat footballistique, à ta place il me faudrait 5 semaines mini pour m'en remettre [et encore].
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Zobi1 » 21 Fév 2013, 21:32

Faudrait même plus pour des lyonnais. Nous on a l'habitude de se faire enfiler par nos joueurs. Eux non.
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar peezee » 21 Fév 2013, 21:32

Ça doit lui rappeler aussi Milan y'a qq années, quand le LOL était au sommet de son art... :couteaudanslaplaie: :mrgreen:

Putain quand tu vois le niveau de Bodo à côté, alors que eux vont p-ê passer le tour... :pong:

"Well done. Religion has just killed another person"@DrHouse
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Torben Frank » 21 Fév 2013, 21:35

"C'est ça ! Dans l'paquet !!" :corde:
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Odd » 22 Fév 2013, 10:27

Lorenzin' a écrit:Quite à te prendre un pion autant le faire dans les normes et pas à la dernière minute.
Pour moi c'est clairement un attentat footballistique, à ta place il me faudrait 5 semaines mini pour m'en remettre [et encore].

Et il va te falloir combien de temps pour digérer le 0-5 sur les 2 matchs contre l'ogre Viktoria? :mrgreen:
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar oukimaya » 22 Fév 2013, 18:01

Il va te dire qu'il ne l'ont pas joué à fond, bla bla bla , qu'il se concentre sur le championnat :mrgreen:
Tous avec les coincoins !
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Lorenzin' » 22 Fév 2013, 22:27

Odd a écrit:Et il va te falloir combien de temps pour digérer le 0-5 sur les 2 matchs contre l'ogre Viktoria? :mrgreen:

7 mois. Jusqu'au prochain tirage au sort des poules de la Champion's.
Ne pas réussir à leur coller un pion à cette équipe moyenne, il fallait oser. Et ils l'ont fait (exprès). :censored:
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar alexduke » 23 Fév 2013, 01:32

article de la BBC sur les aggressions de supporters de Tottenham par ces gentils Lyonnais :?

Spurs fan: I feared for my life in Lyon gang attack
By Richard Conway

A Spurs fan said he feared for his life when he and his son were attacked by a gang in Lyon.

Paul Eccles, 51, was punched and kicked to the ground by a group of about 20 hooded men who had just attacked an English pub nearby.

Mr Eccles was one of three fans admitted to hospital after being assaulted by the gang in the build-up to Tottenham's Europa League game against Lyon.

"What really frightened me, when I was on the ground and I was getting a kicking, was I expected a knife in my back at any moment," he said.

The Spurs supporter and his 20-year-old son Patrick were confronted by the group in the narrow cobbled streets of the city's old town on Wednesday night.

"Patrick was about three yards in front of me and one of the group asked him: 'Are you English?'

"As soon as I heard that, I knew we were in trouble. It was the tone and the manner in which he said it.

"Someone came behind him and started punching him to the side and back of his head.

"I feared for my son so I jumped in to try to help him and get him back. But I realised very quickly I was outnumbered.

"There were about 20 of them. I hit a few of them but then someone came behind me and then I hit the ground.

Play mediaAdvertisementA gang of men in balaclavas tried to force their way in to a Lyon pub moments before the attack on Mr Eccles
"They kicked the life out of me. I could hear Patrick shouting but all I could do was try to protect my temples.

"There was only the two of us there and it was frightening for my son and for me."

The father and son, who live in Glossop in Derbyshire, were saved by the swift actions of local bar and restaurant workers.

"I managed to stagger to a restaurant and I was covered in blood. The side door opened and a young lad grabbed me and pulled me in just as the gang were coming for me again," he said.

"They ran me down the alley and threw me into a toilet at the back of the alley and told me to stay there."

His son was taken indoors by another local man who then alerted police and paramedics. The man then warned the 20-year-old that he would be killed if he attempted to return to the street to find his father.

Mr Eccles was then taken to hospital for treatment to his extensive injuries.

"I was in hospital for 12 hours with a broken shoulder, broken tooth and bruising all over my back, legs, arms and fingers.

"I saw two other Spurs fans in there. One had a broken arm with a metal plate in, the other had a cut down his head. Someone said it was from a bar-stool."

It was only the next day, having been discharged from hospital after having an MRI scan to see whether he had suffered any brain injuries, that he was told the gang were probably armed.

Returning to the bar to thank the staff who intervened, Mr Eccles discovered the full extent of the danger he was in.

"One of the men who helped us told me: 'You're lucky because I believe one of them had a machete and one had an axe. If you had stayed down you would have got it.' It's quite frightening."

Police in Lyon have said they believe a far-right group was responsible for the attacks on Spurs fans.

But Mr Eccles was not put off by his experience of travelling to watch Tottenham in Europe and may still go to see them play Inter Milan next month if his health allows.

A gang of masked men also attacked a pub called the Smoking Dog

He said: "After breaking your shoulder and getting a kicking by a group like that, it obviously makes you think. It's extremely sad.

"This could have happened to anyone. But those words 'are you English?' - it sends a chill down your spine."

"This is not football - this was a far-right group. It doesn't put us off travelling at all. There are people like this everywhere."

In November, 10 Tottenham fans were injured when a far-right group attacked a bar in Rome before the club's Europa League game against Lazio.

Mr Eccles said he believed the attacks have been connected to Tottenham's historic association with the Jewish community - fans still refer to themselves as 'Yids'.

"I don't think we appreciate how bad the anti-semitic feeling is in Europe," said Eccles.

A report by the security unit of France's Jewish communities this week claimed there had been a 58% increase in anti-semitic incidents in the country last year.

"To us, [using the term 'Yids'] is our badge, it's what we are. It's a throwaway term that we use for ourselves," added Mr Eccles.

"Over here, it's a lot more focused. Sadly, I think that's what this [attack] was all about."

Mr Eccles spent Thursday afternoon with the police making a statement, while his son identified two of the alleged attackers in a line-up at the station.

David Lammy, Labour MP for Tottenham, has called for a careful review of security around Spurs supporters travelling abroad for games.
DAESH, ALQAEDA et autres extremistes sans courage, degagez de notre planete!!
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Garm » 26 Fév 2013, 09:19

Le pauvre mec, quel manque de pot :/
*Vainqueur de la Champion's League OMlive 2014/2015* 8)
Il y a toujours un pied Ghanéen qui empêche les Allemands de trouver la solution finale. @ X. Gravelaine
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Re: [OL 2012-2013] The next LOL generation

Messagepar Lorenzin' » 16 Mar 2013, 18:41

Houhou Torben !! :ahuri: :vicieux:

Je vois que vous êtes aussi fameux que notre équipe. :0:
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