Actualité, matchs, Olympique de Marseille, Ligue 1, championnats étrangers et football en général, c'est ici que ça se passe !
11 Déc 2007, 19:40
Ce soir je mange du rosbeef, miam miam
11 Déc 2007, 19:40
Plus qu'une heure....
11 Déc 2007, 19:41
peezee a écrit:our side is going to crush your team allright...!!
Peter Crush
11 Déc 2007, 19:42
Spanish bombs; yot' quierro y finito.
Yote querda, oh ma corazón.
Spanish bombs; yot' quierro y finito.
Yote querda, oh ma corazón.
Tonight we dump Rafa back to Valencia
11 Déc 2007, 19:44
Tonight we dump Djib back to Auxerre
11 Déc 2007, 19:45
This guy had his cock stolen by Djibril, otherwise I can't see.
11 Déc 2007, 19:45
11 Déc 2007, 19:47
Nasri sur le banc.
Equipe identique que face à Monaco.
11 Déc 2007, 19:48
11 Déc 2007, 19:49
Fidel Cienaga, either that or his girlfriend. Though, for that to happen, he'd have to already HAVE a girlfriend...
11 Déc 2007, 19:50
peezee, that's why I am actually pretty sure that it is his tiny arse which has been stolen and torn by fat Djib.
11 Déc 2007, 19:51
what's wrong with djib?! Don't you like him here?
11 Déc 2007, 19:52
vouz n'aimez pas djib?! Et Zenden??
11 Déc 2007, 19:52
Gnaume a écrit:what's wrong with djib?! Don't you like him here?
we love them
11 Déc 2007, 19:53
Djib'? Most of us LOVE him, especially when he's... on the bench.
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