Thus it was formed, that 4 always, well or almost always, it was ill for 2 clubs. St. Petersburg zenith and French Marseille -olimpik.Buduci in Marseille, to local familiar franzuzam fans it told: know children in Russia there is the club, whose fans so r'no be ill zasvoyu command- as and you! Itself in Marseille there were 4 times. Surprising gorod.Udivitel'nye people. Unusual fan. The city, where large poster with the inscription will hang on the embankment: Zidan-made in marseille.A that is created on their cycle track (stadion)etoprosto fantasy. If there is the possibility -compulsory fly there. Besides the legendary atmosphere, it is possible to look Marseille beauties: these are famous kolanki hearth to Marseille. Is there this town Kasis-prosto fairy tale. Excursion into the lock Of if. of jaunt on the embankment Midi4 with the white wine. Children!!! They have this elegant magazinchik for the fans directly on the stadium (inside). This is simple holiday some. I love Marseille. I love zenith. This is simple fantasy, that two clubs, in which the best fans in the world at long last were encountered! This is simply healthy!!
J'ai fait traduire le texte sur babelfish d'1 supporteur russe,c'est tres loin d'etre parfait mais on comprend un peu