04 Mai 2005, 02:57
"Mathematicians call prime numbers"beautiful numbers" because of their mysterious pattern-the sequence 2,3,5,7,11...looks random butis anything but. Armed with a lip pencil and a few sheets of blotting paper, wedecided to see wich numbers are beautiful to us. In our first installement of Beauty by Numbers, we reveal prime examples of the mysterious patterns we find among the naturally towheaded-and their peroxide couterparts.
5 : Percentage of American adults who are naturally blonde.
2 : Percentage of the world population that is naturally blonde.
30 : Percentage of the Finnish population that is naturally blonde.
42 : Percentage of american women who color their hair who choose blonde.
70 : Percentage of those who don't who say they 'would' choose blonde..
1867: Year of the first hair bleach was advertised ( at the Paris exposition
1956: Year Shirley Polykoff wrote "Does she or doesn't she" for Clairol. Là je ne connais pas...
15: Age at wich Polykoff started bleaching her own hair.
12: Age at which Debbie Harry of Blondie started bleaching her hair.
$400 to $500: Price of highlights from colorist Sharon Dorram-Krause.
1,250: Sheets of tinfoil Dorram-Krause uses in one day.
120,000: Average number of hairs natural blondes have on their heads.
100,000: Average number of hairs brunettes have on their heads.
40: Percentage of 2004 'PLAYBOY' centerfolds who are blonde.
24: Percentage of Miss AMerica winners who are blonde.
7: numbers of blonde female senators. (toujours aux states, parceque nous en France on a déjà du mal à trouver les femmes....)
76: Percentage of women who think the first female president will have brown hair. ... Comme quoi les femmes n'ont pas besoin des hommes pour se discriminer entres elles.. ou alors c'est lié au syndrome Jacky Kennedy...
58: Percentage of blondes who think they have more fun.
91: Percentage of blondes who think they are popular with men. ( sans commentaire de la part d'une brunette que je suis...)
18 : Percentage of men who think blondes have better love lives than other women.
$51,000: Amount an Australian Ph.D. student was awarded to study the dumb-blonde myt ( viens dans ma chambre c'est pour une experience...
$200 million: Amount Reese Witherspoon earned as a smart blonde in two 'Legally blonde' fims.
2,270,000: Number of blonde-joke sites on google.
216,000: Number of red-head joke sites on Google.
2202: YEAR BY WHICH NATURAL BLONDES MAY BE EXTINCT. ( bah quoi, z'avez jamais entendu parlé des gènes dominants ...??
04 Mai 2005, 06:47
04 Mai 2005, 11:10
04 Mai 2005, 12:11
jod.ko a écrit:Polykoff, c une vodka ca non ?
04 Mai 2005, 14:54
2202: YEAR BY WHICH NATURAL BLONDES MAY BE EXTINCT. ( bah quoi, z'avez jamais entendu parlé des gènes dominants ...??
04 Mai 2005, 17:47
04 Mai 2005, 17:53
04 Mai 2005, 17:53
Baioko a écrit:Bon allé les mecs tous en Suedes il faut l'espece des "Blondes" si il y en a un qui en veut pas je prend sa part
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