19 Avr 2005, 17:55
EL MAGNIFICO a écrit:Baioko, 7 ans mort a 85 comme jp
19 Avr 2005, 17:55
19 Avr 2005, 17:57
EL MAGNIFICO a écrit:moi aussi a part le cardinale martiniKobhal a écrit:Il a déjà eu des problèmes cardiaques, c'est salaud de lui faire ce coup là !![]()
Moi je voulais pas un européen...
19 Avr 2005, 17:59
19 Avr 2005, 17:59
19 Avr 2005, 18:00
19 Avr 2005, 18:01
EL MAGNIFICO a écrit:Guinness
19 Avr 2005, 18:02
19 Avr 2005, 18:05
EL MAGNIFICO a écrit:tu me serviras 2 pintes et 3 ave bierra
19 Avr 2005, 18:05
19 Avr 2005, 18:06
19 Avr 2005, 18:07
19 Avr 2005, 18:10
19 Avr 2005, 18:10
The story that Ratzinger was a member of the Hitler Youth is true. It's a biographical fact that seems to have circulated on many a mailing list, and seems to surface at precisely opportune times when the Prefect finds himself in the media's spotlight. From the way it has been presented, one might assume this is one of those skeletons the Cardinal keeps tucked away in his closet (next to his executioner's axe and the token heads of Hans Kung, Matthew Fox, Leonardo Boff & Charles Curran).
19 Avr 2005, 18:12
19 Avr 2005, 18:14
19 Avr 2005, 18:15
19 Avr 2005, 18:16
19 Avr 2005, 18:16
19 Avr 2005, 18:16
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