par jod.ko » 05 Déc 2005, 20:38
ailed obtaining forum access control lists
SQL Error : 1054 Champ 'a.auth_ban' inconnu dans field list
SELECT a.forum_id, a.auth_view, a.auth_read, a.auth_post, a.auth_reply, a.auth_edit, a.auth_delete, a.auth_sticky, a.auth_announce, a.auth_vote, a.auth_pollcreate, a.auth_ban, a.auth_greencard, a.auth_bluecard, a.auth_mod FROM phpbb_auth_access a, phpbb_user_group ug WHERE ug.user_id = 4447 AND ug.user_pending = 0 AND a.group_id = ug.group_id AND a.forum_id = 1
Line : 174
File : auth.php
Il faut que cette jeunesse soit une jeunesse de révolution et non une jeunesse de révoltés.