Le catch - Vol I

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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 17 Juin 2011, 17:39

Impact Wrestling, et match programmé pour le prochain PPV (X Division)
Spoiler: montrer
AJ Styles est dans le ring et annonce qu'il fera son retour dans la X-Division lors du PPV Destination X. Daniels apparait et défie AJ Styles pour un match lors du PPV. Les deux parlent de l'histoire de la X-Division, des noms tels Jerry Lynn et Kid Kash sont évoqués. Samoa Joe apparait également et se rajoute pour le match de PPV. A Destination X, nous aurons donc AJ Styles vs Daniels vs Samoa Joe !

Truc de ouf, le match qu'on a jamais vu. Comment faire du neuf avec du vieux. Enfin bon. Ca sera pas mal je pense.
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 19 Juin 2011, 10:41

Pronos Capitol Punishment en ligne : http://efedwfw.free.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=2222
Dernier délai ce soir minuit ! Allez ;)
“Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.”
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 19 Juin 2011, 12:39

avoir mis la main sur 2 show de la WWWF des années 60

05 09 1965 WWWF à Washington

Angelo Savoldi vs. Johnny Valentine
Louis Garcia vs. Tarzan Tyler
Arnold Skaaland vs. Steve Stanlee
Johnny Rodz vs. Ricky Sexton
Domingo Robles vs. Smasher Sloan
H?ctor Serrano vs. Magnificent Maurice
Bill Watts and Bill Miller vs. Bruno Sammartino and Chief Big Heart


27 01 1966 WWWFà Washington

Chief Big Heart vs. Humberto Mercado
Prince Iaukea vs. Hector Serrano and Domingo Robles (2 on 1 Handicap Match)
Arnold Skaaland and Antonio Pugliese vs. Angelo Savoldi and Tony Altimore
The Beast vs. Pete Sanchez
Ronnie Etchison vs. Smasher Sloan

et en avoir bientôt 3 autres entre les mains :fier:

si c'est oas du VRAI old school ça :mrgreen:
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 19 Juin 2011, 14:19

Jester a écrit:Impact Wrestling, et match programmé pour le prochain PPV (X Division)
Spoiler: montrer
AJ Styles est dans le ring et annonce qu'il fera son retour dans la X-Division lors du PPV Destination X. Daniels apparait et défie AJ Styles pour un match lors du PPV. Les deux parlent de l'histoire de la X-Division, des noms tels Jerry Lynn et Kid Kash sont évoqués. Samoa Joe apparait également et se rajoute pour le match de PPV. A Destination X, nous aurons donc AJ Styles vs Daniels vs Samoa Joe !

Truc de ouf, le match qu'on a jamais vu. Comment faire du neuf avec du vieux. Enfin bon. Ca sera pas mal je pense.

Spoiler: montrer
pour le AJ vs daniels vs joe. pour en avoir vu un en live, même en étant du vieux (rematch d'un match de 2005 à unbreakable et d'un autre en 2009 à turning point) c'est toujours priceless

Xdiv austin aries vs jimmy rave vs kid kash =P~

victoire d'Austin Aries qui du coup sera à Destination X.
d'autres anciens stars de la X Div seront à ce PPV

jacky is back

he winner of TNA's Bound For Glory series will receive a World Heavyweight Title shot in the main event at the pay-per-view. Matches in the series can take place at Impact tapings, pay-per-view events and TNA live events, and can be singles, tag team or other types of matches.

Wrestlers will receive 10 points for a submission victory, 7 points for a pinfall victory, 5 points for a count out victory, 3 points for a DQ victory, 2 points for a draw and will lose 10 points for a DQ loss. Rob Van Dam defeated Samoa Joe on Thursday's show to earn 7 points.

At the end of the series, the final four will face off to crown a winner and #1 contender for the Bound For Glory main event. AS noted before, wrestlers in the series are Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe, Brother Ray, Scott Steiner, James Storm, Robert Roode, Gunner, Crimson, AJ Styles, The Pope, Brother Devon and Matt Morgan.

et derniere news:

Luke Gallow va surement signer à la TNA et la TNA à signé Dakota Darsow (fils du Repoman)
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 27 Juin 2011, 19:20

Chavo quitte la WWE.

des rumeurs l'envoie à la TNA

et Luke Gallow pourrait signer aussi

photos de son dark match
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 28 Juin 2011, 16:10

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Raw’s abrupt conclusion Monday night was not due to technical difficulties. The decision to suddenly end the broadcast in that manner was made by WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, who gave this quote to WWE.com:

“CM Punk was suspended indefinitely for his unprofessional conduct as soon as Raw went off the air.”

With his WWE contract expiring on July 17, one can only assume that this suspension effectively terminates CM Punk’s tenure with WWE.
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Bibpanda » 28 Juin 2011, 16:19

j'ai l'impression que c'est un work.
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 28 Juin 2011, 16:22

Bibpanda, pareil, ça pue le work.

ils auraient coupé le micro dès qu'il aurait parlé d'ass kissing
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Bibpanda » 28 Juin 2011, 16:24

Surtout que cela me rappelle le screwjob, on est dans la même confirmation que lors celui de montréal sauf qu'il n'est pas champion.
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 28 Juin 2011, 16:24

Apparemment. Mais c'est fort !
Cena défendrait CM punk au prochain Raw et demanderait à ce que le match à MITB soit remis sur la carte (il a été enlevé). Vince accepte mais si Cena perd, il est viré de la WWE.
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“Nothing’s sad until it’s over, and then everything is.”
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 28 Juin 2011, 16:30

de toute facon cena gagnera ce match, vince laissera jamais un champion partir. même s'il a un accord de punk de par "partir avec la ceinture" comme il craignait avec bret

mais putain faire partir punk champion serait la meilleur chose pour ce match.

ils feraient un bon tournoi pour avoir un nouveau champ (ils mettraient cena over vu qu'il accepterait de perdre à MITB seulement s'il gagne ce tournoi, ca lui ferait en plus un title reign de plus) et punk reviendra à un moment donc il pourrait revenir lourdement avec un bon vieux "j'ai jamais perdu le titre" comme pour RVD à la TNA

et ils pourraient faire un beau petit shoot-work avec vince et punk pour la récupération de la ceinture ou limite introduire une nouvelle ceinture vu que celle la est moche :ptdr: )
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 28 Juin 2011, 16:36

Oui je pense aussi que cela permettrait de changer cette ceinture merdique. C'est le moment ou jamais.
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Bibpanda » 28 Juin 2011, 16:47

Une ceinture straightedge, en tout cas Vince voulait un austin/ cm punk pour wrestlemania.
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 28 Juin 2011, 16:55

Thanks to HeymanHustle.com for transcribing:

John Cena, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me.

I want you to digest this because before I leave in 3 weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.

I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back.

I hate this idea that you’re the best. Because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world. There’s one thing you’re better at than I am and that’s kissing Vince McMahon’s ass.

You’re as good as kissing Vince McMahon’s ass as Hulk Hogan was. I don’t know if you’re as good as Dwayne though. He’s a pretty good ass kisser. Always was and still is.

Whoops! I’m breaking the fourth wall! (Punk waves to the camera)

I am the best wrestler in the world.

I’ve been the best since day one when I walked into this company. And I’ve been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That’s right, I’m a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar. And he split just like I’m splitting. But the biggest difference between me and Brock is I’m going to leave with the WWE Championship.

I’ve grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon’s brass rings that it’s finally dawned on me that there just that, they’re completely imaginary. The only thing that’s real is me and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I have proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, even in commentary! Nobody can touch me!

And yet no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not on your lovely little collector cups. I’m not on the cover of the program. I’m barely promoted. I don't get to be in movies. I’m certainly not on any crappy show on the USA Network. I’m not on the poster of WrestleMania. I’m not on the signature that’s produced at the start of the show. I’m not on Conan O’Brian. I’m not on Jimmy Fallon. But the fact of the matter is, I should be.

This isn’t sour grapes. But the fact that Dwayne is in the main event at WrestleMania next year and I’m not makes me sick!

Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anything else. Because you’re the ones who are sipping on those collector cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face and get an autograph and try to sell it on Ebay because you’re too lazy to go get a real job.

I’m leaving with the WWE Championship on July 17th. And hell, who knows, maybe I’ll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Maybe…I’ll go back to Ring of Honor.

(Punk looks at the camera and waves)

Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing?

The reason I’m leaving is you people. Because after I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag (censored) yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family.

Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon alright. We do this whole (anti) bully campaign

(Mic cut off.)

Here are some tweets from talents regarding CM Punk's RAW promo:

Steve Austin: @CMPunk just melted my 52 inch TV with a scorching hot promo...delivery, content, and attitude...one of the best promos I've ever seen.

Jim Ross: Amazing feedback on @cmpunk end of Raw comments. Too many overanalyzing it. Did you like it? If so, enjoy it. Was it compelling? Yes

Taz: Punk did a great job & I always liked him when we were in wwe together and his work! But I must say... There r many of us who were NEVER pushed to the level Punk was & were NEVER allowed to shoot like that, he's lucky he was allowed to do that. But it was very strong & real!! I liked a lot! Good stuff Punk!

Colt Cabana: Colt Cabana's Trending but @CMPunk should legit trend FOREVER. Coolest thing on wrestling since 1998. Can't believe theyre gonna let'm walk

Maryse: @CMPunk for President of the United-States....

Todd Grisham: Punk came unhinged tonight. Never seen anything like it in my 8 years @WWE

MVP: @CMPunk stayed at my house saturday night & we had a very in depth convo. I haven't seen the promo. But I'm sure my friend made me proud! ...

si ca pue pas le work :mrgreen:

et pour achever tout ca

After Raw went off the air, Michael Cole announced to the crowd in Las Vegas that WWE has suspended CM Punk indefinitely.

Of course, this is all a work guys. Obviously they would have cut his mic off way earlier if it was a legit shoot. They did a tremendous job with it though.
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 29 Juin 2011, 10:09

un petit rewind qui me fait toujours rire :mrgreen:
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 29 Juin 2011, 10:12

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 29 Juin 2011, 10:32

sinon, info sur le Punkgate :mrgreen:

- Sources report that CM Punk’s entire promo at the end of RAW this week was improvised by Punk and not scripted. Nobody in the back knew what Punk was going to say until he said it live on RAW.

WWE officials told Punk to go out and say in his own words why he was leaving the company, why he wanted the WWE Title and why he wanted to leave with it in his possession. There was a discussion that when officials felt Punk was going too far, they would pull the plug on the segment and cut his mic.

It’s said that Punk was upset months ago when Triple H came back to feud with The Undertaker and while some of his comments on RAW towards Vince McMahon were well thought out to appear not as a shoot to the average viewer, most believe that Punk’s comments towards Triple H and John Laurinaitis were strictly a shoot.

Word also is that Punk had some notes for his speech jotted down on his wrist tape.

As far as his contract status, Punk’s deal apparently expires the second week of July but he signed an extension to work through Money in the Bank. Still with last night’s new storyline development, sources maintain that Punk is leaving at Money in the Bank.

et des réactions:
Spoiler: montrer
Several personalities have commented on the CM Punk promo on Raw:

Seth Rollins: "Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. @cmpunk holy f***. One more shout out to @cmpunk. I've always drawn comparisons to him, which is very flattering, but we are our own men. I'll have my time, but right now is his. Very excited for the future."

Kurt Angle: "CM Punk had classic promo last night. Good for Him. But if U ever say another word about Me again, Ur toast! If U don't believe Me, try Me!"

Tommy Dreamer: "Just watched @cmpunk promo. FN GREAT. WWE has everyone talking. Could actually create their own competition. Kudos 2 Punk & VKM b different"

Zach Gowen: "WWE shoulda gave @CMPunk the ball a long time ago. Dude connects with people on a whole other level. Mad love for punk. Outta this world."

Shane Helms: "And @CMPunk took his own "Rocket to the Moon" tonight!! I'm gonna have a drink in his honor! A big glass of Pepsi! :-)"

Batista: "well im embarrassed to say that i seem to be the only loser in the world that didn't see the cmpunk promo!! so my goal of the day is to see it. i was watching Pawn Stars. love me some Chumley!! heard he raised HELL though!!! i have house envy because of Punk by the way!"

Blue Meanie: "Just saw the @CMPunk end of RAW on YT. TREMENDOUS! Punks is 1 of the best on the mic. Congrats to #ColtCabana and #ROH for the shoutouts! WWE should let Punk go back to ROH with the WWE to play up the "I left" angle and eventually come back. WWE could give ROH a rub as a shot TNA as they did with ECW vs. WCW. They could do a "state of the WWE belt" and show Punk on ROH shows with the belt. There's so many cool things they could do. Not only for the storyline but also help a ROH get some good pub. Wrestling needs more companies to make it."

Shad Gaspard: "@CMPunk God DAMN I love you brotha!"

Trish Stratus: "Sorry @joeystyles but @cmpunk on #Raw...OMG! What did y'all think of that?"

Maria Kanellis: "After seeing the events of today. I have to say some people are THE BEST IN THE WORLD....;)"

JBL Via his facebook: "I haven't watched a wrestling program since well before I left WWE 2+ years ago. Heard about CM Punk's promo and watched it this morning-WOW! That was awesome, as good as I have ever seen. I worked with CM when he first became champ-really enjoyed it and really happy to see what a stud he has become. When you can put doubt as to whether shoot or work-you have done your job very well!"

Shawn Michaels: "Gettin ready 2 head home. 2 words 4 @CMPunk- thata boy. Felt like old times. Anywho, back 2 my normal life, tweet u on touchdown:-)"

Chavo Guerrero: "Did u see @CmPunk promo last night? WOW! If all those things are being said by a guy being used...think how I feel! Good Job Punk! Work or shoot, @CmPunk 's promo was true. I know Punk & half if not all of that promo was off the cuff. Cm Punk has always done things his Way, and for that I admire him. Kudos Punker! :)"

Bill DeMott: "CMPUNK put the lockerroom on notice...you better be #willing to step up! Things just got very real.who is #willing to take a chance?"

- Chris Jericho wrote the following on Twitter last night about CM Punk’s RAW promo: “Congrats to @cmpunk and Vince McMahon for doing something tonight that hasn’t been done in awhile…make history.”

- Diamond Dallas Page wrote the following on Twitter last night about being at RAW: “I had Great time promoting the “Very Best of Nitro” on Raw! I hear the WCW DVD is kicking Ass sakes vice … That all because of U Guys Bang”

- JBL also commented on CM Punk’s RAW promo: “CM Punk’s promo-shoot or work? Who cares? When you are so good that you can put that doubt in viewers minds you have done your job very well”

- Former WWE star MVP also commented on Punk: “My verdict after watching the @CMPunk promo, he just had his Austin 3:16 moment. Don’t f*** this one up WWE”
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 29 Juin 2011, 12:42

Spoiler Vince Raw suivant le speech de Punk:

Spoiler: montrer
- C'est au tour de Vince McMahon d'arriver. Il parle évidemment de CM Punk, disant qu'il méritait de se faire suspendre.
John Cena ne tarde pas à intervenir mais Vince lui dit qu'il ne peut pas prendre le risque de laisser Punk mettre en jeu le WWE Title dans une autre compagnie. Vince crie à Cena de ne pas faire comme Hulk Hogan et d'agir comme un homme !

Cena enchaîne et dit que si il n'affronte pas CM Punk à MITB, alors il partira aussi. Vince le stoppe et annonce qu'il annule la suspension de Punk mais que si Cena perd... il sera viré !
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar sonny » 29 Juin 2011, 13:26

Spoiler: montrer
s'ils font ca c'est de la merde en barre. ils ont de l'or dans les mains avec cette possibilité de départ de punk avec le titre. putain punk est pas un abruti, il donnera la ceinture aux officiels en coulisse et partira. il y aura pas de punk qui va faire un match pour le titre WWE à la ROH ou ailleurs :roll: . surtout si le titre est annoncé vacant directe après.
la non seulement punk va partir avec une défaite, en plus il va faire le boulot pour Cena (alors que punk à un cena dans chaque poil de cul), et en plus cena passe pour le big babby face en gueulant contre vince pour faire le match et en mettant sa carrière en jeu. RIDICULE et MERDIQUE

ou comment faire de la grosse chiasse quand tu peux faire du lourd.

qu'ils écoutent Blue meany, punk avec la ceinture dans un show ROH, petit partenariat avec eux pour 1 ou 2 show pour faire chier la TNA. comme ils avaient fait avec la ECW par le passé pour faire chier la WCW
-Vainqueur Coupe Confédération 2009 / Coupe UEFA 2008, 2015 / CdF 2012 / L1 2014
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Re: Catch [TOPIC UNIQUE] Catch

Messagepar Jester » 29 Juin 2011, 13:31

Ouais. On verra bien. Ils ont fait du lourd là, faut espérer qu'ils merdent pas. Ou alors un heel turn de Cena ? :mrgreen:
“Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.”
“Nothing’s sad until it’s over, and then everything is.”
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