US24 : Har'is ya Trump ?

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US24 : Har'is ya Trump ?

Messagepar IceCold » 27 Juil 2024, 22:01

Je sens que cette actu va mobiliser bien des posts, autant lui créer un sujet dédié.

je commence par cette vidéo de l'oncle Bernie, assez intéressante je pense dans le parallèle avec la France, i quote

it's important to some of us to say "look, we know there is a lot of big money in the democratic party we want to make sure that the vice president is listening to the working class in this counrty, to progressives as well, and bring forth very specific ideas, these are not radical ideas : expanding medicare by lifting the cap, expanding social security" [...] I hope i do get them, i hope i do... we cannot tolerate Donald Trump getting elected, so i'm out and i'm gonna do everything i can to make sure that Harris is our next president, but it pains me personaly getting coming from a working class background that so many workers, especially white workers, are turning their backs on the democratic party. And i think that we can bring them in if we give them an understanding we know what's going on in their lives, the pain they're experiencing, and that we have an agenda

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