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Lo Provençau a écrit:J'ai un peu du mal à croire qu'Israël qui se sait scruté dans le monde entier se permette de frapper un hôpital.
Par contre j'imagine bien une organisation qui appelle ses morts des "martyrs" casser quelques oeufs pour épicer un peu l'atmosphère.
They are saying this was Islamic Jihad.
That this was from us?
It seems that it was from us, yes.
Who is saying this?
They are saying that the shrapnel of the missile are local pieces, and not Israeli shrapnel.
What are they saying [there]?
My god, from us, it didn't just explode, but in a hospital!
They may have fired from the cemetery behind.
It seems that they fired this from the cemetery behind the hospital, then the way that it failed and it landed on the hospital.
There is a cemetery behind it?
Yes, it is right in its area!
Where is it exactly? When you enter the general courtyard area?
When you enter the courtyard area, so you do not continue toward the city, but instead from the right side, that is where the hospital is.
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