06 Fév 2010, 19:05
14 Fév 2010, 18:35
14 Fév 2010, 18:41
15 Fév 2010, 10:05
28 Fév 2010, 17:58
22 Avr 2010, 07:57
23 Avr 2010, 16:24
25 Avr 2010, 18:57
28 Avr 2010, 20:08
11 Mai 2010, 10:40
Underwater images are out of focus.
* Due to the curved lens of the waterproof housing for the HD HERO camera and standard def Wide HERO cameras, you do get a slight loss of sharpness/focus to underwater images. Our developers are looking into whether we can possibly offer a different housing or housing lens in the future to correct this issue.
11 Mai 2010, 10:43
11 Mai 2010, 11:02
13 Mai 2010, 09:49
13 Mai 2010, 21:04
13 Mai 2010, 21:09
19 Mai 2010, 10:41
19 Mai 2010, 12:05
19 Mai 2010, 13:40
19 Mai 2010, 13:58
19 Mai 2010, 16:13