Lettre de Motivation ... en Anglais !

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Messagepar Fidel Cienaga » 20 Oct 2007, 17:00

ZiZiR, pour parler vraiment sérieusement, et éviter de faire une énième boutade accompagné d'un 8) ou d'un :gay:
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Fidel Cienaga
Gonze à l'aise
Gonze à l'aise
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Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2006, 17:56
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 20 Oct 2007, 17:06

Fidel Cienaga, A nan nan chuis carrément sérieux ! Moi je VEUX y aller !

J'ai franch'ment envie d'aller voir aileurs que la France pour mes études, et là j'en ai l'occasion, alors je f'rai le maximum pour y aller ! :wink:

Je précise que pour l'instant j'en suis qu'au point de la "volonté"
J'ai une semaine pour donner ma lettre de motiv' ensuite mon dossier sera examiner par mes profs, la selection se fera en fonction des notes obtenues en 1ère année et au semestre 3

Mais si tu veux me donner des conseils ou discuter, j'te rassures, oui, chuis sérieux ! :wink:
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Messagepar fourcroy » 20 Oct 2007, 17:09

ZiZiR, +beaucoup pour la volonté d'une expérience à l'étranger. Un petit conseil d'expatrié, en passant : avec l'anglais, tu survis, c'est tout. Si tu veux vraiment pénétrer une autre culture (détournement interdit, merci), la connaissance de la langue est plus qu'utile. Ne néglige aucun effort pour apprendre le grec en accéléré.
"La société de surconsommation, fruit d'un capitalisme dérégulé, relève d'une logique compulsionnelle dénuée de réflexion, qui croit que le maximum est l'optimum et l'addiction, la plénitude." Cynthia Fleury
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 20 Oct 2007, 17:16

fourcroy, Bah à s'propos Jeudi j'vais discuter avec les élèves qui sont parti en Grèce l'année dernière
Les Hindous marchent sur la Braise, Moi je marche sur de Moi !

SWAG ... Something We Asian Got !
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 20 Oct 2007, 19:07

Dear Sir or Madam

Presently I am a second year student of civil engineering in the University of Marne-la-Vallée at Champs-Sur-Marne. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program, to have the chance to study abroad in your University for a few months represents for me a fantastic opportunity.
To be able to adapt and to develop a broader outlook on the world are, to my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future profession in engineering. Censequently, a full semester spent abroad will allow me to acquire a maturity through a different living environment and to gain a different view at an European school of engineering in Greece.

Greece is a country which attracts me due to its history, its culture, its geographical situation, but also the mentality of people who live there. I am studying English all through my secondary school, and I realized that the best way to master a language was to visit a country to communicate with the inhabitants, and to be confronted with their way of life, as well as their traditions and their culture.
I am an independant, serious, dynamic, organized and competent person. The idea of being into a new environment to pursue my studies represents for me a real motivation.
I know several students who have been on the Erasmus program in various contries of Europe, all came back delighted, and assured me they enriched themselves in both a personal and professional way.

Hoping for a favourable reply, I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Soyez indulgent si y'a trop d'erreurs ! :oops:
Les Hindous marchent sur la Braise, Moi je marche sur de Moi !

SWAG ... Something We Asian Got !
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 22 Oct 2007, 19:22

Une version plus élaborée et corrigée de mon "Application Letter" :

Dear Sirs,

Presently I am a second year student of civil engineering at the University of Marne-la-Vallée in Champs-Sur-Marne, France. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program to have the chance to study abroad at your University for a few months, which represents for me a fantastic opportunity.

To be able to adapt and to develop a broader outlook of the world are, in my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future as an engineer. Censequently, a full semester spent abroad will allow me to acquire a maturity through a different living environment and to gain a different view at an European school of engineering.

Greece is a country which attracts me due to its history, its culture, its geographical situation, but also the mentality of the people who live there. I have studied Englishl throughout my secondary schooling and I feel that the best way to master a language is to put it into practice in a formal environment. Studying abroad would give me this opportunity through interacting and learning alongside English speakers.

I am an independant, dynamic, and competent individual. The idea of being into a new environment to pursue my studies represents for me a real motivation and challenge.

I know several students who have been on the Erasmus program in various contries in Europe, all came back delighted, and assured me they enriched themselves in both a personal and professional way.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

So ? What can you say about that ?
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Messagepar JPP REVIENS » 22 Oct 2007, 19:38

Je n'ai jeté qu'un bref coup d'oeil à ta lettre mais :

the people who live there.

"The inhabitants" serait plus léger je pense.

Et on écrit "independent", "countries", tu as mis un "l" après english et pour le reste je regarderai plus tard.

Sinon c'est pas mal, mais n'en fais pas trop :wink:
La vie c'est long, surtout vers la fin.
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Messagepar greg_suomi » 22 Oct 2007, 19:45

To be able to adapt and to develop a broader outlook of the world are, in my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future as an engineer.

Perso, je pense a l'envers ca passe mieux:
In my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future as an engineer would be to be able to adapt and to develop a broader outlook of the world.

Sinon, on sent que c'est pense en francais mais la qualite est la.
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 22 Oct 2007, 21:17

JPP REVIENS, greg_suomi, Merci pour vos conseils, j'ai apporté quelques petites modif's grâce à vous ! :wink:

Dear Sirs,

Presently I am a second year student of civil engineering at the University of Marne-la-Vallée in Champs-Sur-Marne, France. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program to have the chance to study abroad at your University for a few months, which represents for me an excellent opportunity.

In my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future as an engineer would be to be able to adapt and to develop a broader outlook of the world. Censequently, a full semester spent abroad will allow me to acquire a maturity through a different living environment and to gain a different view at an European school of engineering.

Greece is a country which attracts me due to its history, its culture, but also the mentality of the inhabitants. I have studied English throughout my secondary schooling and I feel that the best way to master a language is to put it into practice in a formal environment. Studying abroad would give me this opportunity through interacting and learning alongside English speakers.

I am an independent, dynamic, and competent individual. The idea of being into a new environment to pursue my studies represents for me a real motivation and challenge.

I know several students who have been on the Erasmus program in various countries in Europe, all came back delighted, and assured me they enriched themselves in both a personal and professional way.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

JPP REVIENS, Tu trouves que j'en fais trop ? J'devrai alléger ?
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Messagepar chris92300 » 22 Oct 2007, 21:19

On dit adapt myself

I look forward to hearing from you. ça veut rien dire ça ?!
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Messagepar Fidel Cienaga » 22 Oct 2007, 21:25

ZiZiR a écrit:and I feel that the best way to master a language is to put it into practice in a formal environment. Studying abroad would give me this opportunity through interacting and learning alongside English speakers.

Une seule remarque pour l'instant, I feel en anglais d'angleterre ne s'emploie que pour les sentiments (I feel hang over) ou les sensations (I can feel your huge cock in my tiny butt). Donc dans ce registre plutôt : to my opinion (ou to my mind) the best ...
Sinon c'est un peu ampoulé mais c'est pas mal du tout (première lecture). Le but du jeu en anglais, contrairement au français est d'être direct sans être impoli, d'éviter les circonvolutions qui font prétentieux et très français.
C'est tellement dur !

chris92300, si si I look forward to + (...)ing c'est la formule
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Fidel Cienaga
Gonze à l'aise
Gonze à l'aise
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Messagepar chris92300 » 22 Oct 2007, 21:27

In my opinion pas To my opinion

Connaissait pas la formule, ça sonne très moche :mrgreen:
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Messagepar Fidel Cienaga » 22 Oct 2007, 21:29

chris92300, oups :oops:

Look forward to seeing you est encore plus laid, look forward to reading from you est le top, mais j'enjoy particulièrement look forward to asspounding you :oops:
Modifié en dernier par Fidel Cienaga le 22 Oct 2007, 21:31, modifié 1 fois.
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Fidel Cienaga
Gonze à l'aise
Gonze à l'aise
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Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2006, 17:56
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 22 Oct 2007, 21:30

Dear Sirs,

Presently I am a second year student of civil engineering at the University of Marne-la-Vallée in Champs-Sur-Marne, France. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program to have the chance to study abroad at your University for a few months, which represents for me an excellent opportunity.

In my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future as an engineer would be to adapt myself and to develop a broader outlook of the world. Censequently, a full semester spent abroad will allow me to acquire a maturity through a different living environment and to gain a different view at an European school of engineering.

Greece is a country which attracts me due to its history, its culture, [s]its geographical situation[/s], but also the mentality of the inhabitants. I have studied English throughout my secondary schooling and I feel that the best way to master a language is to put it into practice in a formal environment. Studying abroad would give me this opportunity through interacting and learning alongside English speakers.

I am an independent, dynamic, and competent individual. The idea of being into a new environment to pursue my studies represents for me a real motivation and challenge.

I know several students who have been on the Erasmus program in various countries in Europe, all came back delighted, and assured me they enriched themselves in both a personal and professional way.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
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Messagepar ZiZiR » 22 Oct 2007, 21:33

Fidel Cienaga, Ouais c'est s'que j'ai remarqué qu'y faut être assez direct dans une lettre de motiv' en anglais, mais c'est chaud, pasque chuis vraiment motivé et j'ai envie de le montrer ! :mrgreen:

Je peux peut-être supprimer la dernière ligne : I know several students who have been on the Erasmus program in various countries in Europe, all came back delighted, and assured me they enriched themselves in both a personal and professional way.
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Messagepar Fidel Cienaga » 22 Oct 2007, 21:36

ZiZiR, je suis assez d'accord dans la mesure où ça exprime plus le fait que tu es rassuré par l'expérience des autres plutôt que ton envie, donc vire le.

Ah et à la place de outlook qui est un point de vue genre paysage, tu mets perspective ou insight, et tant que t'y es tu mets deeper plus que broader (ça flatte le lecteur, il vaut toujours mieux être profond que large :wink: )
Ne pas hésiter à utiliser les mots d'origine latine ou française, ça fait cultivé (70% du vocabulaire juridique britannique)
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Fidel Cienaga
Gonze à l'aise
Gonze à l'aise
Messages: 10947
Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2006, 17:56
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Messagepar JPP REVIENS » 22 Oct 2007, 21:46

Fidel Cienaga a écrit:(ça flatte le lecteur, il vaut toujours mieux être profond que large :wink: )

Une belle leçon de philosophie, qui va rejoindre ma signature.
La vie c'est long, surtout vers la fin.
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Messagepar Fidel Cienaga » 22 Oct 2007, 21:54

JPP REVIENS, vous en êtes un autre mon cher, j'ai tenté de recycler votre stratégie satyro-ménagère mais avec fort peu de succés jusqu'ici, mais j'y travaille.

Ceci dit le boudhisme zen dit que "la route est plus large que longue", ces gens là ne savent pas vivre, mais c'est pas dénué de tout fondement à la réflexion.
Le moloch marseillais en engloutira un autre et les lueurs rougeoyantes de ce brasier distrairont les derniers fous qui croient soutenir un grand club.@Serguei
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Fidel Cienaga
Gonze à l'aise
Gonze à l'aise
Messages: 10947
Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2006, 17:56
Localisation: la garra

Messagepar ZiZiR » 22 Oct 2007, 21:55

Fidel Cienaga, Merci pour les conseils ! :wink:

Dear Sirs,

Presently I am a second year student of civil engineering at the University of Marne-la-Vallée in Champs-Sur-Marne, France. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus program to have the chance to study abroad at your University for a few months, which represents for me an excellent opportunity.

In my mind, two indispensable qualities for my future as an engineer would be to adapt myself and to develop a deeper perspective on the world. Censequently, a full semester spent abroad will allow me to acquire a maturity through a different living environment and to gain a different view at an European school of engineering.

Greece is a country which attracts me due to its history, its culture, but also the mentality of the inhabitants. I have studied English throughout my secondary schooling and I feel that the best way to master a language is to put it into practice in a formal environment. Studying abroad would give me this opportunity through interacting and learning alongside English speakers.

I am an independent, dynamic, and competent individual. The idea of being into a new environment to pursue my studies represents for me a real motivation and challenge.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Modifié en dernier par ZiZiR le 22 Oct 2007, 21:58, modifié 1 fois.
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Messagepar Fidel Cienaga » 22 Oct 2007, 21:57

ZiZiR, perspective ON the world malheureux !

Eh les gars ! Vous en pensez quoi si à la place de independent il met autonomous ?
Le moloch marseillais en engloutira un autre et les lueurs rougeoyantes de ce brasier distrairont les derniers fous qui croient soutenir un grand club.@Serguei
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Fidel Cienaga
Gonze à l'aise
Gonze à l'aise
Messages: 10947
Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2006, 17:56
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