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EL MAGNIFICO a écrit:j'aimerais bien savoir a quel % de leur PIB les US sont endetter ?
peezee a écrit::?InformationB&B and Fortis both in crisis !
Bradford & Bingley’s fate to be decided by tonight as Spanish bank Santander leads rescue talks Iain Dey
BELGIUM’s Fortis is this weekend poised to become the first large continental bank to fall victim to the credit crunch, as the global chaos continues with Bradford & Bingley and American savings giant Wachovia both teetering on the brink.
The Belgian central bank and the country’s regulator are paving the way for a bailout of the huge banking and insurance group, which has a £540 billion balance sheet and a market value of £12 billion.
In Britain, the fate of Bradford & Bingley will be decided today. Fren-etic talks between the Bank of England, the Financial Services Authority and the government have been taking place this weekend to save the troubled mortgage bank.
me demande comment se porte la Caisse d'Epargne de chez nous...
marseillais74 a écrit:La BNP PARIBAS est sur le point d'acquérir la quasi totalité des actifs de FORTIS. ... fortis.php
peops a écrit:marseillais74, en quoi devenir la monnaie de référence nous profiterait il ?
peezee a écrit: ... ans-fortis
Certaines banques comme la BNP pourraient tirer qq marrons du feu, (
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