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EL MAGNIFICO a écrit:pas mal pour Homeland![]()
, si non quelqu'un a deja vue episodes
dlb1664 a écrit:gob, c'est pas assez grand publique pas le style de série que la ménagère va mater
Kaveen a écrit:dlb1664 a écrit:gob, c'est pas assez grand publique pas le style de série que la ménagère va mater
Homeland, american horor story et luther sont tres tres tres loin d'etre des series regarder par des menageres.
D'ailleurs, je recommande tres tres chaudement luther. Serie policiere anglaise. l'acteur principal est juste enorme
dlb1664 a écrit:Kaveen, Homeland si quand même, pour American Horror Story je suis d'accord, Luther connait pas.
So this show is essentially 4400 minus superhero powers + Lost music + Hurley + random scene from Hitchcock's Vertigo. I watched the whole two hours and unfortunately it didn't really grab me like Lost's premiere and Fringe's did. They're giving us the back stories of all these criminals, but they're not really characters we're supposed to care about. I mean, are we really supposed to feel any sympathy for these murderers just because we know how they were mistreated in prison in 1960? I sure as hell hope not.
The few comedic one liners from Hurley seemed forced, and his character is just too "convenient" and the way the writers have written him is just too implausible. Sure, he could work as a consultant who stays in a lab somewhere (ala Walter from Fringe), but what self respecting competent officer would choose an out of shape largely overweight man as their partner and bring him out on the field?
The only interesting mystery this show provides is how these men haven't aged in the last 50 years, but given JJ's track record we're probably going to skirt around an answer for what seems like an eternity. It's either time travel or the work of aliens so unless he's magically come up with some other sort of interesting explanation I hope they dispense with the answer and take the show somewhere more interesting, because this one mystery will not keep the show afloat a long time. In the 4400's case they were smart to answer it relatively quickly.
I'll probably watch the next episode, but if every one from this point on will have the "one Alcatraz convict is out on a killing spree, we must catch him!" plotline, this show is going to get boring fast.
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