18 Déc 2011, 21:24
18 Déc 2011, 22:01
18 Déc 2011, 23:58
19 Déc 2011, 00:58
19 Déc 2011, 01:40
19 Déc 2011, 01:55
19 Déc 2011, 14:34
19 Déc 2011, 14:54
19 Déc 2011, 16:02
19 Déc 2011, 16:08
Olympien a écrit:euh révisez votre anglais les gars...Season Finale ne veut pas dire la même chose que Final Season
A season finale (British English: last in the series; Australian English: season final) is the final episode of a season of a television program. This is often the final episode to be produced for a few months or longer, and, as such, will try to attract viewers to continue watching when the series begins again.
19 Déc 2011, 16:11
19 Déc 2011, 16:12
19 Déc 2011, 17:41
19 Déc 2011, 17:42
19 Déc 2011, 17:49
19 Déc 2011, 20:49
FabMars a écrit:Olympien a écrit:euh révisez votre anglais les gars...Season Finale ne veut pas dire la même chose que Final Season
Plaît-il?A season finale (British English: last in the series; Australian English: season final) is the final episode of a season of a television program. This is often the final episode to be produced for a few months or longer, and, as such, will try to attract viewers to continue watching when the series begins again.
19 Déc 2011, 20:51
19 Déc 2011, 21:15
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