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Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 21:36

Dexter S06E01 =P~ =P~

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 22:29

Wahou, t'es en avance sur tout le monde toi :mrgreen:

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 22:35

sillicate, Breaking Bad :

Spoiler: montrer
Je vois mal Walt empoisonner un enfant quand même :-k
A moins que ce soit un coup monté dès le départ, mais là ça va trop loin :mrgreen:

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 22:45

Spoiler: montrer
Walter peut se dire : je sais comment est mise la clope dans le paquet, je sais que Jesse fume beaucoup, donc il se rendra rapidement compte qu'elle n'est plus là, donc il va certainement faire le rapprochement avec la maladie rapide du gosse et la ricine. Il ne cherche pas à tuer le gosse, il peut même prévoir de donner le nom du poison au cas où Jesse percuterait pas, il veut juste faire peur.

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 22:45

Spoiler: montrer

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 22:47

chris92300 a écrit:
Spoiler: montrer

:shock: putain t'as tout deviné, ça pouvait être que ça. =D>

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 22:48

chris92300, trop de spoiler tue le spoiler :mrgreen:

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 23:38


Re: Series TV 2010-2011

03 Oct 2011, 23:42


Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 01:53

Juste pour vous dire que la plante que pointe le revolver de Walt
Spoiler: montrer
est un Aconitum reclinatum, qui contient l’aconitine, un poison mortel.

Ceci expliquerait peut-être cela...

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 02:37

chris92300, Tu as trouvé ça sur un site qui parle de la série, ou alors tu es un nerd des plantes? :lol:

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:00

+1 Sillicate

Spoiler: montrer
Ça s'inscrirait parfaitement dans le personnage de Walt... Un mec prêt à tout quand il est confronté à la mort

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:10

FabMars, j'ai reconnu tout de suite à la forme des fleurs si caractéristique.

Nan j'déconne, j'ai fais quelques recherches :mrgreen:. En tout cas cette info fait gamberger, même si on a du mal à croire à l’éventualité.

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:15


Spoiler: montrer
dans ce cas, si ça se trouve, le gosse a été empoisonné par autre chose que la ricine... Mais quelle idée d'avoir des plantes empoisonnées dans son jardin! :-k

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:23

Spoiler: montrer
La scène est quand même marquante. J'avais bien bloqué dessus ce qui m'a amené à chercher le pourquoi du comment, et il se trouve que cette plante contient de l'aconitine qui est un alcaloïde mortel...

Sacrée coïncidence quand même.

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:26

http://www.amctv.com/breaking-bad/video ... -end-times

Spoiler: montrer
Giancarlo spills the beans on what was going through Gus' head as he walked back to his car. He talks about the voice in his head, Jesse saying 'He was poisoned, he was poisoned'. It's implicit in this little interview that Gus did not know that Brock was poisoned before meeting with Jesse. He puts the pieces together and realised that Jesse is conspiring with Walt against him.

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:33

Nebuluss, the video you are trying to watch cannot be viewed from your current country or location....

Assholes! :doubeul: I feel too lazy to use a proxy anyway.

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:37

Très sympa la reprise de Boardwalk Empire même si j'avoue avoir oublié quelques détails de l'histoire depuis la fin de la saison 1.

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:39

Hypothèses d'un spectateur sur Breaking Bad

Spoiler: montrer

1. Walt goes to Jesse's house, sees Brock.
2. Walt immediately gets tasered and is taken to the desert the following morning.
3. Walt goes to Saul to ask about being disappeared. Asks Saul to dime on Gus to the DEA. Saul refuses, makes an anonymous tip about the Cartel putting a hit out on Hank.
4. Walt also tells Saul to get Jesse to come to his office by any means necessary, so that that he can get the cigarette with the ricin in it.
5. Walt goes home to get ready for being disappeared. Discovers the money is gone. End of Episode.
6. The DEA comes to pick up Walt, Skyler and their daughter whose name I forget.
7. Hank gets Gomez to investigate the Laundry.
8. Gomez investigates.
9. Saul leaves a bunch of messages on Jesse's phone. No cell reception in the lab.
10. Jesse goes. Jesse is patted down by Huell. Huell removes the pack of cigarettes from Jesse's jacket. Huell or HT removes the cigarette and does not turn another cigarette over in its place. He or she slips the cigarette pack back into Jesse's pocket.
11. Walt meets with either Saul or Huell, either at his house or Saul's office, to retrieve the cigarette
12. Walt somehow determines both who the kid is and either where he lives or where he spends his time during the day and convinces him to either smoke the cigarette or, more likely, eat it or drink it mixed with something
13. Jesse gets a phone call about Brock being poisoned and goes to the hospital. Goes outside to smoke, discovers the missing cigarette. Informs his girlfriend about the Ricin.
14. Goes to Walt's house with the intention of either beating the shit out of him or killing him
15. Picks up Walt's gun, and tries to get him to confess.
16. Walt, knowing that Jesse would suspect him of poisoning Brock, feigns ignorance and then pretends to put a plot together in his head.
17. Walt's plan works and Jesse turns on Gus.

1. Gus knows about the cigarette somehow. Possibly through a Wiretap. Possibly through his surveillance system inside the Lab.
2. Gomez searches the Laundry
3. Gus calls Tyrus, speaks to Jesse. Appropriate actions.
4. Gus tells Tyrus to steal the cigarette knowing that Jesse thinks that only Walt knows of its existence. Tyrus does not turn another cigarette over in its place.
5. Tyrus or another henchman finds Brock, either at his home or where he spends his time away from home, and gets him to consume the poison somehow.
6. Jesse gets a phone call about Brock being poisoned and goes to the hospital. Goes outside to smoke, discovers the missing cigarette. Informs his girlfriend about the Ricin.
7. Goes to Walt's house with the intention of either beating the shit out of him or killing him
8. Picks up Walt's gun, and tries to get him to confess.
9. Walt doesn't know what's going on, puts the pieces together in this head.
10. Gus' plan doesn't work. Jesse turns on Gus.

Which seems more likely?

Re: Series TV 2010-2011

04 Oct 2011, 03:48

Spoiler: montrer
Le seul problème, c'est comment Walt a pu retirer la clope du paquet de Jesse ?
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