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Messagepar iamaseb » 06 Nov 2006, 21:14

Modifié en dernier par iamaseb le 06 Nov 2006, 21:15, modifié 1 fois.

Messagepar loursin » 06 Nov 2006, 21:15

t'as cherché sur google video ?
sur le site de la bbc (partie education je crois) y'a des JT faits spécialement pour les étudiants (donc en libre utilisation), tu dois pouvoir trouver ton bonheur
Image les trois mousquetaires des cinq doigts de la main,
tournant la manivelle d'un petit sous-marin, plongeant au fond des mers pour chercher des oursins.
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Messagepar alexduke » 06 Nov 2006, 21:39

J`ai un petit peu fait quelques corrections sur la 1ere partie, si ca peut t`aider :wink:

iamaseb a écrit:Dagobert, ah ouais, elle est belle cette faute ;)
Mais j'ai changé tout le début pour que ce soit un peu plus anglais :


For the first time, a specie, [b]humans have the future of the planet into their hands [/b].
We are living in a complex world, a world that existed before us, and should exist after us.
We are the most intelligent specie of all time. We create cities, cinema, computing, lots of unnecessary goods …we create chemicals from raw material.

We have done so much during last decades that sometimes we ask ourselves if it’s real or not. But it is true that we did not think about the consequences of our choice, about the consequences of the so call “progress”.

Asbestos is a good exemple. If at first it sounds really interesting, we now know that it is really harmful for humans. We could say the same about genetically modified food, developped in order to improve crops, we don’t think about the consequences.

The human species produce so much that there are environmental issues.

The human body along with different species, animal and vegetal seems to be suffering from human action. The number of extinct species have sky rocketed and it will continue if nothing is done. Americans and Canadians scientists have recently explained that almost all of the fishes’ and crustacean’s species that we fish for consumption will extinct from the ocean before 2050 if currents trends continue.

Global warming is the reason why our species is endangered along with others. But as we will see, we are responsible for global warming.

Our standard of living, such has having car, living at night with lights… is responsible for mass toxic gases released. There is toxic waste everywhere, and the only thing we can do about it is to bury them in the ground. Indeed, our way of life requires huge consumption of raw material like fossil fuel, wood … and because of our lack of awareness, we waste a lot.

There are consequences to that:
• Deforestation as long with toxic emanations disrupts wildlife.
• Release of toxic gases is the reason why green effect is so important. The ozone layer is falling apart, because of that global warming is more important. We can see with our own eyes the rising sea levels due to glacier meltdown. Shores are different from before. Earthquakes, storms come from global warming, meaning that global warming have already killed millions and millions human lives throughout the world.

What should we do about it?

It is easy and difficult at the same time. We all know that exhaust fumes are harmful, so we could stop using oil for our car, house central heating … But we still have to find energy. Nuclear is one of them, but there is radioactive fallout, and it seems like there is nothing to do about it nowadays.
But, we are in a situation where difficulties are not an excuse anymore. Yes, there will be some cost to make if we want a future. Sustainability is not an easy thing, it need efforts and sacrifices.
But when we think about what we have done, we should be able to stop producing and selling disposable goods, or at least make sure they are biodegradable.
We daresay we can already do that. We already know how to make thing better, but we’re not doing it. The problem is elsewhere, can we change our way of thinking? Forget about profit?
Forget about what we learned?

Yes, we have designed high tech apparatus, we have developed complex system, but in the end it’s like we were unable to change our way of life even when self-preservation is at stake. Animal can do that, and yet we, the smartest species of all time, fail to do that.

What is global warming?

Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades.
The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities".
The increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the primary causes of the human’s warming activities.
An increase in global temperatures can cause changes like a rising sea level.
These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados.
The term "global warming" is a specific case of the more general term "climate change" .In principle, "global warming" is neutral as to the causes, but in common usage, "global warming" generally implies a human influence.
The detailed causes of this change remain an active field of research, but the scientific consensus identifies greenhouse gases as the primary cause of the recent warming.
Various alternative hypotheses have been proposed to explain all or part of the observed increase in global temperatures, including but not limited to:
• The warming is the consequence of natural variation.
• The warming is a consequence of the end of a former cool period — the Little Ice Age.
• The warming is primarily a result of variances in solar irradiance, possibly via modulation of cloud cover
• The warming actually reflects the urbanization as more and more populated areas are expanding with growing population.
The predicted effects of global warming are many and various, both for the environment and for human life. These effects include sea level rise, impacts on agriculture, reductions in the ozone layer, increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, and the spread of disease. In some cases, the effects may already be manifest, although it is difficult to attribute specific natural phenomena to long-term global warming. In particular, the relationship between global warming and hurricanes is still being debated.
DAESH, ALQAEDA et autres extremistes sans courage, degagez de notre planete!!
Les peuples du monde auront votre peau!!

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Messagepar trunksultra » 06 Nov 2006, 21:43

vassili, loursin, iamaseb, c'est nickel vos liens, j'ai trouvé ce qu'il me fallait, et encore plus: merci vraiment à vous :wink:
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Messagepar etienne » 06 Nov 2006, 22:41

ça me ferait marrer qu'un de vos profs tombe sur ce topic :mrgreen:
Après la Rolex et Ségala :
"+1. Tant que t'es pas 50 un comptable ça sert à rien" @Olympien
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Messagepar fourcroy » 07 Nov 2006, 15:26

etienne92200, tu prends les profs pour des naïfs ?
"La société de surconsommation, fruit d'un capitalisme dérégulé, relève d'une logique compulsionnelle dénuée de réflexion, qui croit que le maximum est l'optimum et l'addiction, la plénitude." Cynthia Fleury
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Leopold Vietoris
Leopold Vietoris
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Messagepar Fan_de_Coach Vahid » 07 Nov 2006, 16:56

iamaseb a écrit:Dagobert, ah ouais, elle est belle cette faute ;)
Mais j'ai changé tout le début pour que ce soit un peu plus anglais :


For the first time, a specie, has into the future of the planet into her hands (vérifier que tenir entre ses mains est une expression anglaise, pas sûr du tout ça !)
We are living in a complex world, a world that existed before us, and which will exist after us.
We are the most intelligent specie of all time. We create cities, cinema, computing, lots of unnecessary goods …we create chemicals from raw material.

We have done so much during last decades that sometimes we ask ourselves if it’s real or not. But what is real if we did not think about the consequences of our choices, about the consequences of some people call “progress”.

Like asbestos, if at first it sounds really interesting, we now know that it is really harmful for human beings. We will say the same about genetically modified food, being developed in order to increase crops, we don’t think about the consequences.

Humans produce so much that there are environmental issues.

The human body along with different species, animal and vegetal seems to be suffering from human action. The number of extincted species have sky rocketed and it will continue if nothing is done. Americans and Canadians scientists have explained recently that almost all of the fishes’ and crustacean’s species that we fish for consummation will extinct from the ocean before 2050 if currents trends continue.

Global warming is the reason why our specie is endangered along with others. But as we will see, we are responsible for global warming.

Our standard of living, such as having car, living the night with lights… is responsible for mass toxic gases released. There is some toxic waste everywhere, and the only thing we can do about it is to landfill them in the ground. Indeed, our way of life requires huge consummation of raw material like fossil fuel, wood … and because of our lack of awareness, we waste a lot.

There are consequences to that:
• Deforestation as long with toxic emanations disrupts wildlife.
• Release of toxic gases is the reason why green effect is so important. The ozone layer is falling apart, because of that global warming is more important. We can see with our own eyes the rising sea levels due to glacier meltdown. Shores are different from before. Earthquake, storm comes from global warming, meaning that global warming have already killed millions and millions human lives throughout the world.

What should we do about it?

It is easy and difficult at the same time. We all know that exhaust fumes are harmful, so we could stop using oil for our car, house central heating … But we still have to find energy. Nuclear is one of them, but there is radioactive fallout, and it seems like there is nothing to do about it nowadays.
But, we are in a situation where difficulties are not an excuse anymore. Yes, there will be some cost to make if we want a future. Sustainability is not an easy thing, it need efforts and sacrifices.
But when we think about what we have done, we should be able to stop producing and selling disposable goods, or at least make sure they are biodegradable.
We daresay we can already do that. We already know how to make things better, but we’re not doing it. The problem is elsewhere, can we change our way of thinking? Forget about profit?
Forget about what we learned?

Yes, we have designed high tech apparatus, we have developed complex systems, but in the end it’s like we were unable to change our way of life even when self-preservation is at stake. Animals can do that, and yet we, the smartest specie of all time, fail to do that.

What is global warming?

Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades.
The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities".
The increased amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the primary causes of the human’s warming activities.
An increase in global temperatures can cause changes like a rising sea level.
These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados.
The term "global warming" is a specific case of the more general term "climate change" .In principle, "global warming" is neutral as to the causes, but in common usage, "global warming" generally implies a human influence.
The detailed causes of this change remain an active field of research, but the scientific consensus identifies greenhouse gases as the primary cause of the recent warming.
Various alternative hypotheses have been proposed to explain all or part of the observed increase in global temperatures, including but not limited to:
• The warming is the consequence of natural variation.
• The warming is a consequence of the end of a former cool period — the Little Ice Age.
• The warming is primarily a result of variances in solar irradiance, possibly via modulation of cloud cover
Nowadays, the warming reflects the urbanization as more and more populated areas are expanding with growing population.
The predicted effects of global warming are many and various, both for the environment and for human life. These effects include sea level rise, impacts on agriculture, reductions in the ozone layer, increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, and the spread of disease. In some cases, the effects may already be manifest, although it is difficult to attribute specific natural phenomena to long-term global warming. In particular, the relationship between global warming and hurricanes is still being debated.

C'est curieux, tu te débrouilles bien mais tu fais des fautes sur pluriel singulier :) fais attention quand tu te relis :o
Sinon attention à actually, c'est un faux ami qui ne signifie pas du tout actuellement, mais en fait "réellement, en fait"[/b]
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Messagepar scorpiov13 » 09 Jan 2007, 18:22

bonjour j'ais une synthese a faire en éco...sur les relation croissance éco et emploi dans une premiere partie il faut parler des bien faits et dans une seconde des je m'en sort pas me... Au faite c'est pour demain :mrgreen:
Valbuena ou le meme petit homme que j'ais dans le jardin....
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Messagepar fourcroy » 09 Jan 2007, 18:23

J'ai un sujet d'exam de théorie de la mesure à rédiger. C'est aussi pour demain.
"La société de surconsommation, fruit d'un capitalisme dérégulé, relève d'une logique compulsionnelle dénuée de réflexion, qui croit que le maximum est l'optimum et l'addiction, la plénitude." Cynthia Fleury
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Leopold Vietoris
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Messagepar Moonwalker » 09 Jan 2007, 18:25

scorpiov13, oula ca sent la Term ES

je me rapelle plus de ca même si j'ai déja traité cela , mais tout ce que je peut te dire c'est que c'est vraiment pa sorcier et avec un cours sous la main tu t'en sors facilement

c'est une question de synthese avec docs ou une disserte ?

scorpiov13, Fait gaffe en éco il notent sec au bac :twisted:
"Même dans le "nique ta mère", Moonwalker sait garder la classe..."@LeTrepied
La différence entre un écologiste et une pastèque? Aucune, ils sont tous les deux verts à l'extérieur et rouges à l'intérieur!..."Claude Allègre
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Messagepar scorpiov13 » 09 Jan 2007, 18:30

Moonwalker, c'est un sujet d'oral de rattrapage mais je vois rien de spécial dans le pour les notes au bac mon prof est un taré!j'ais pas eu la moyenne une seul fois en dissert avec lui et je suis loin d'être le seul de la classe..Vive l'éco!
Valbuena ou le meme petit homme que j'ais dans le jardin....
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Messagepar Moonwalker » 09 Jan 2007, 18:36

scorpiov13, c'est une matière tres intéressante :wink:

et franchement a moins d'etre un énorme glandeur y a moyen de gérer , ca n'est pas une science exacte ou on te demande de faire des calculs mais simplement une science ou tu répond a un problème donné en exposant la théorie de divers auteurs ( marx dit ca , smith dit ca , ricardo dit ca) en ajoutant un peu de culture gé , d'actualité , ect...

De plus ton sujet est bien large , tu peut parler des économistes du dévellopement ( Sen par exemple) , illustrer les bienfaits en évoquant la France des 30 glorieuses , Et dans ta partie limite évoquer les géant économiques potentiels que sont la chine et l'inde et t'intérroger sur leur avenir , parler des pays pétroliers qui ont une croissance mais pas de développement , ect
"Même dans le "nique ta mère", Moonwalker sait garder la classe..."@LeTrepied
La différence entre un écologiste et une pastèque? Aucune, ils sont tous les deux verts à l'extérieur et rouges à l'intérieur!..."Claude Allègre
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Messagepar Alto13 » 09 Jan 2007, 18:38

Aaaah les profs d'anglais et le global warming, quelle grande histoire d'amour ...
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Messagepar Nemenems » 09 Jan 2007, 18:45

c'est une matière tres intéressante

Moonwalker, ça c'est ton point de vue . Moi qui en ai pas mal fait , c'est une des matières les plus emmerdantes qui existe .
Sinon demain le programme pour moi c'est deux partiels coef 7 de marchés publics et de collectivités territoriales :( ... mais moi j'ai révisé 8)
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Une caca... huète ?
Une caca... huète ?
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Messagepar peops » 09 Jan 2007, 18:48

nemenems a écrit: Moi qui en ai pas mal fait , c'est une des matières les plus emmerdantes qui existe .

Tu fais pas du droit ? :mrgreen:
Je ne sais pas si tu parle de l'histoire économique que l'on fait au lycée ou des cours d'éco de la fac mais c'est l'une des matières les plus intéressantes qui existe 8)
"Celui qui est prêt à sacrifier sa liberté pour sa sécurité ne mérite ni sécurité, ni liberté" @ F.D. Roosevelt

"The strongest argument against democracy is a five minute discussion with the average voter." @ Winston Churchill
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Messagepar Moonwalker » 09 Jan 2007, 18:49

peops, J'ai fait les 2 , les cours d'éco de la fac c'est a peu de choses près la même chose que la term ES :!:

Du moins l'enseignement intitulé "économie politique"
"Même dans le "nique ta mère", Moonwalker sait garder la classe..."@LeTrepied
La différence entre un écologiste et une pastèque? Aucune, ils sont tous les deux verts à l'extérieur et rouges à l'intérieur!..."Claude Allègre
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Messagepar Nemenems » 09 Jan 2007, 18:50

Je parle de l'éco du lycée, et le droit c'est vachement interessant 8)
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Une caca... huète ?
Une caca... huète ?
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Enregistré le: 29 Avr 2004, 22:27
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Messagepar loursin » 09 Jan 2007, 18:52

e droit c'est vachement interessant

+1 (je suis pas en fac de droit, mais j'ai eu l'occasion d'en faire, j'aime bien :D )
Image les trois mousquetaires des cinq doigts de la main,
tournant la manivelle d'un petit sous-marin, plongeant au fond des mers pour chercher des oursins.
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Messagepar Moonwalker » 09 Jan 2007, 18:53

La Fac de droit ca roxxe 8)

Vous êtes a quelle fac ?

Moi a La rochelle on est une petite Fac a la fin du 1er semestre on était plus que 12 par groupe de Td :!:
"Même dans le "nique ta mère", Moonwalker sait garder la classe..."@LeTrepied
La différence entre un écologiste et une pastèque? Aucune, ils sont tous les deux verts à l'extérieur et rouges à l'intérieur!..."Claude Allègre
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Messagepar fourcroy » 09 Jan 2007, 18:54

De toute façon, le top du top, l'Essentiel, c'est les maths. Tout le reste, c'est pour rigoler.
"La société de surconsommation, fruit d'un capitalisme dérégulé, relève d'une logique compulsionnelle dénuée de réflexion, qui croit que le maximum est l'optimum et l'addiction, la plénitude." Cynthia Fleury
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Leopold Vietoris
Leopold Vietoris
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Enregistré le: 26 Sep 2005, 17:18
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