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Question ...

08 Aoû 2006, 14:35

1st of all sorry for my english (I don't spek french soo I have to try english)
2nd - I'm from Poland and I'm fan of Jagiellonia Bialystok. I've got one question:
http://lvlarseillais.free.fr/photos/060 ... urg/26.jpg
about this albanian flag - was is prepared by some albanian fans of OM "for" Loric Cana or mabe it was point of view some of CU fans about conflict in Kosowo (beacuse i heard some "revelations" like that :? ). And I'm just curious ...

08 Aoû 2006, 17:52

Hi, welcome here.

this flag is for Lorik Cana.
If you can see other pictures, you will see some different flags for other players of the team.

We used to put a Croatian Flag when Runje was here for example.

PS: j'ai nettoyé ce topic.
merci de ne pas pourrir quand un supp etranger vient discuter avec nous. :wink:

08 Aoû 2006, 18:00

Volfid, where do you come from Poland? because my family come from Poland 8)

08 Aoû 2006, 18:00

squadra a écrit:my family comes from Poland 8)

08 Aoû 2006, 19:06

oui, je l'avais gardé et il est parti a la poubelle par erreur.

j'ai donc sauvé ce qui pouvait l'être .. :mrgreen:

08 Aoû 2006, 19:23

Volfid, hey man, this flag is for Lorik Cana, i like this player 8)

08 Aoû 2006, 19:29

chris92300 vivement la rentrée :mrgreen:

08 Aoû 2006, 23:08

ah ouais... mon msg a été effacé


09 Aoû 2006, 08:37

Why is there affirmative action for people foreign language speaking ?


09 Aoû 2006, 13:32

squadra - I'm from Bialystok. Where your family lived ?

I've got one more question - can you tell me something about conflict inside CU'84 ? I heard that they received books from club and then they sold them for more money and now two groups sues for it ?? :roll:
Please write about it something - it can be in french if it gonna be easier
Again sorry for my english

09 Aoû 2006, 13:43

Again sorry for my english

Your english isn't more ridiculous than mine :lol:

In poland, OM is a famous team ?? What do you think about french ligue , "L1" ??

Last question How olympique Lyonnais (Ol ) is considered in your country ??

Thanks, for coming

:wink: I' m sure , someone will answer your question.

Ps: si quelqu'un pouvait rectifier mon anglais pour que notre visteur comprenne mieux :mrgreen:

09 Aoû 2006, 13:59

Volfid,yes there is a conflict inside the cu84 and it is a money story between former and new member of the group #-o
c'est ca l'om 8)

09 Aoû 2006, 15:44

Volfid, you certainly know piotr swierzisky (sorry for my weak polish :mrgreen: ). he was a player in our team...

09 Aoû 2006, 17:46

Volfid, CU84 conflict is interesting for people who are in the CU84...that's all, it's a money conflict

09 Aoû 2006, 18:11

volfid, my family comes from Dankow and Poznan :D