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Aide en anglais

20 Mai 2006, 21:50

Hello everybody...
Je fais appel à vos talents en langue étrangère...
j'ai un sujet à faire pour mercredi où je dois passer à l'oral, j'ai déjà fait çà--> Sujet "what country would you like to live and work in?
give reasons and imagine your life there"

"I would like to live in an another Country than France…I would not like to study, live and work, in France, because I think it’s better to live in such countries as the USA, Great Britain…I want to discover other civilizations…
Why this choice?
Personally,,I think that make studies in France isn’t a good choice for the future… to my mind,there are no job in france . … to remain in this country is an error. .I prefer study in another country and work later…ambition is needed and barrier’s language isn’t a problem…I prefer to try my luck in another country rather stay here. my favorite destinations are USA and Great Britain. It’s my dream of children than go in this country.
New York is the city where I would like to live.Why? I dream of buildings,manhattan,Empire state building ,central park , time square statue of liberty and maybe meet stars…"

Si vois puviez me montrer les fautes (nombreuses car fait à la va vite) et si vous avez des idées jsuis preneur...merci beaucoup

P.S. Sujet à fermer dès mercredi,les modos :wink: Si vous pouviez le laisser "vivre" d'ici là...

20 Mai 2006, 21:55

in an another
ça se dit ça?
I would not
contraction,fais des contraction sinon ça fait trop french!
Si vois puviez
en français aussi tu ve de l aide? 8) :mrgreen:

20 Mai 2006, 21:58

Si vois puviez
en français aussi tu ve de l aide?

midogba, salop. :ptdr:

20 Mai 2006, 21:59

It’s my dream of children than go in this country.
it' s my children dream going in this country

20 Mai 2006, 21:59

midogba, :mrgreen:
-faute de frappe
-les contractions jles fais mais comme jlais fais vite fait jai pas tout "contracté" :wink:
-"in an another"-->oui?

20 Mai 2006, 21:59

The Flankeur, je sais.. 8)

20 Mai 2006, 22:01

I would like to live in a country other than France…I would not like to study, live and work, in France, because I think it’s better to live in such countries as the USA, Great Britain…I want to discover other civilizations…
Why this choice?
Personally,,I think that studying in France isn’t a good choice for the future… in my opinion, there are no jobs in France . … to remain in this country is a mistake. .I would prefer to study and later work in a different country …ambition is needed and the language barrier isn’t a problem…I prefer to try my luck in another country rather than stay here. my favorite destinations are USA and Great Britain. It’s my childhood dream to go to those countries.
New York is the city where I would like to live.Why? I dream of buildings,manhattan,Empire state building ,central park , time square statue of liberty and maybe meeting stars…"

la correction n'est pas de moi mais d'une personne ayant passé quelques années au canada.
pas de commentaires sur le contenu par contre :roll:
Modifié en dernier par neoflex le 20 Mai 2006, 22:13, modifié 2 fois.

20 Mai 2006, 22:01

-"in an another"-->oui?

ça se dit ça?
je fais le malin mais je suis pas une bete en anglais..loin de là!

20 Mai 2006, 22:03

It’s my childhood dream to go to those countries.

j etais pas loin!

20 Mai 2006, 22:04

Personally,,I think that studying in France isn’t a good choice for the future…

ca ce dit ca?
Modifié en dernier par The Flankeur le 20 Mai 2006, 22:04, modifié 1 fois.

20 Mai 2006, 22:04

[quote="Neoflex"]I would like to live in an another Country than France…I would not like to study, live and work, in France, because I think it’s better to live in such countries as the USA, Great Britain…I want to discover other civilizations…
Why this choice?
Personally,,I think that studying in France isn’t a good choice for the future… in my opinion, there are no jobs in France . … to remain in this country is a mistake. .I would prefer to study and later work in a different country …ambition is needed and the language barrier isn’t a problem…I prefer to try my luck in another country rather stay here. my favorite destinations are USA and Great Britain. It’s my childhood dream to go to those countries.
New York is the city where I would like to live.Why? I dream of buildings,manhattan,Empire state building ,central park , time square statue of liberty and maybe meeting stars…"

la correction n'est pas de moi mais d'une personne ayant passé quelques années au canada.
pas de commentaires sur le contenu par contre :roll:[/quote]

Ouais bah hein, j'ai les evaluations des capacités experimentales le meme jour que cette merde alors hein! jvais pas me casser le Q :evil: pour mtaper une boite en plus :evil:

20 Mai 2006, 22:05

On dit pas "because I think it’s better to live in such countries as the USA, Great Britain"

Correction : "because I think it’s better to live in countries such as the USA, Great Britain

20 Mai 2006, 22:07

barrier’s language : language's barrier
rather stay here : rather than stay here
than go in this country : to go to these countries / to live in these countries

20 Mai 2006, 22:14

lolodu38 a écrit:"I would like to live in an another Country than France…I would not like to study, live and work, in France, because I think it’s better to live in countries such as the USA, Great Britain. I want to discover other civilizations…
Why this choice?
Personally, I think that studying in France isn’t a good choice for the futur. The unemployment rate is high. Staying in this country is an error. I'd prefer to study in another country, then to find a job there. Ambition is needed and language's barrier isn’t a problem…I'd prefer to take my shot in another country rather than to stay here. My favorite destinations are the USA and Great Britain. Those are my children's dream.
New York is the city where I would like to live.Why? I dream of buildings, Manhattan, Empire state building , central park , time square statue of liberty and maybe to meet stars…"

Correction et reformulation de ce que j'ai pu voir

To take my shot : saisir ma chance
Unemployment rate : taux de chômage

Ambition is needed : j'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire?

Re: Aide en anglais

20 Mai 2006, 22:28

Tu te répètes trop !!!!!!
Commence déjà par faire un plan de ton explication après je finirai de te corriger les fautes

Un début de correction :

My potentiel future :

Since I was a child, I always wanted to visite the USA and specialy New York that always made me dream. Its famous buildings, Manhattan, The Empire State Building, Central Park... a lot of beautifull places that make the charm of this city and of course the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of the USA where everything is possible. (l'histoire des stars t'oulibe, surtout que c'est plutot à Los Angeles...)

That is the first reason why I would like to live in an another country than France.

Furthermore, I think that the works, the quality of life and even the schools aren't what I am looking for in France. Study in France isn’t a good choice for my future because I think that there are no outlets in France for work, it is so difficult to find an opportunity of work after the schoolyears and the unemployment rate is so high that it would be a mistake to stay… Plus I have ambition and I am not afraid by the language barrier so I want to try my luck, even if I have to study far away from my family, I want to succeed... In France I only see disappointment so I will emigrate.

Finaly I dream to discover other cultures and my favorites are the Great Britain and the USA. Its history is built by the mixture of cultures…

La tu conclues
Modifié en dernier par zythoun le 20 Mai 2006, 22:32, modifié 1 fois.

20 Mai 2006, 22:29

chris92300 a écrit:
lolodu38 a écrit:"I would like to live in an another Country than France…I would not like to study, live and work, in France, because I think it’s better to live in countries such as the USA, Great Britain. I want to discover other civilizations…
Why this choice?
Personally, I think that studying in France isn’t a good choice for the futur. The unemployment rate is high. Staying in this country is an error. I'd prefer to study in another country, then to find a job there. Ambition is needed and language's barrier isn’t a problem…I'd prefer to take my shot in another country rather than to stay here. My favorite destinations are the USA and Great Britain. Those are my children's dream.
New York is the city where I would like to live.Why? I dream of buildings, Manhattan, Empire state building , central park , time square statue of liberty and maybe to meet stars…"

Correction et reformulation de ce que j'ai pu voir

To take my shot : saisir ma chance
Unemployment rate : taux de chômage

Ambition is needed : j'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire?

Take my shot c'est plus familier que try my luck je crois

20 Mai 2006, 22:32

zythoun, nan c'est pas familier du tout, ça passe très bien à l'écris, de plus "try my luck" ne se dit pas.

Concernant ta traduction, y'a beaucoup de fautes, et c'est trop académique.

20 Mai 2006, 22:33

je connais un anglais du coté de chelsea, si tu veux ........