ZiZiR, voilà pour le corrigé d'SI :
Le corrigé de maths :
http://perso.orange.fr/gilles.costantin ... CS2006.pdf
et le corrigé d'Anglais :
Citation :
I - Compréhension
Compréhension écrite : A teacher's job interview
1. The narrator is a female Jamaican teacher.
2. The scene takes place in England.
3. a. The place refers to the headmaster's office.
b. The narrator has come there to apply for a teaching position.
4. "Her" refers to the headmistress. She is the head of the school.
5. She expects her to read them.
6. The letters show how qualified she is for the job.
7. First, she is holding the letters in mid-air disdainfully. Next she hands them back to the narrator without opening them because she knows from the start she won't give the job to the narrator. And finally, she shakes them under her nose, which reveals how exasperated she is with the narrator's attitude.
8. l.25 "Well, I'm afraid you can't teach here".
l.30-31 "You can't teach in this country. You're not qualified to teach here in England".
9. a. False - l.30 and l.33
b. False - l.40 and l.41
c. True - l.50 and l.51
10. First, she wonders about the narrator's intentions (l.3). She is amused (l.11) by the narrator's ambitions and tries to remain professional by keeping a courteous smile on her face (l.16/20). Yet, when she realizes the narrator's determination, she gets tense and exasperated (l.36).
Trying to end a time-consuming conversation, she looks indifferent and severe (l.44/45).
11. These changes reveal that this character only pretended to be welcoming towards the narrator during the job interview. But in reality, it is a cold-hearted person who doesn't take the narrator's competence into consideration but is prejudiced against non-English people.
12. Although she is nervous about the interview, she pretends to look confident at first (l.6).
Then she feels insulted and indignant when she realizes the character won't even read the letters (l.36). Next she feels deeply hurt (l.53/54).
But, in spite of his failure, she is determined to do anything to become a teacher in this country (l.55).
13. "Si vous vouliez bien lire les lettres, lui dis-je, l'une vous renseignera sur mes trois années de formation d'enseignant que j'ai suivies en Jamaïque, quant à l'autre, elle se réfère au poste occupé à ...
Elle ne me laissa pas finir".
Citation :
II - Expression
Expression : A teacher's job interview
Sujet 1. a : Dialogue dans le futur entre les 2 personnages. Vous devez introduire votre dialogue et respecter le profil psychologique des deux personnages. La narratrice s'exprime dans un anglais de qualité, veillez à respecter ce paramètre.
Sujet 1. b : Sujet d'argumentation qui vous permet de développer vos idées sur l'Europe et ses échanges internationaux. Structurez votre présentation et illustrez vos arguments par des exemples sans excès.
Sujet 2 : Encore un sujet d'argumentation qui permet de mettre en lumière vos acquis et votre capacité à problématiser. Ce sujet peut aussi faire appel à votre expérience personnelle. Un sujet plus délicat que les précédents, qui demande une certaine maturité d'esprit.
1. a.
Regret de la principale :
● I wish I had
● I shouldn't have + verbe au participe passé
● I could have + verbe au participe passé
● It was silly of me to...
● How stupid to...
La principale campe sur ses positions :
● There's no denying that you are certified/ qualified but...
● I wish you wouldn't bother me anymore.
● There's no point arguing about it
● If you had been in my shoes, you would have reacted the same way.
● Why don't you try to understand my point of view.
● I have to respect authority.
● Opinion personnelle :
- As for me
- As far as I am concerned
- To my mind
- In my opinion
● Pistes de réponses :
- It allows people to have an enriching job experience.
- It may foster people circulation for tourist or economic purposes.
- It enables them to have the opportunity to share their expertise and be more competitive
- However, it goes without saying that it is imperative that French diplomas be standardized and levelled with European criteria in order to maintain its quality standards and avoid brain drain to the United States.
● In my opinion...
● There is no denying that...
overcoming obstacles at school or work make someone stronger.
● I am convinced that
● I am well aware that
● I am in position to say
● used + infinitive
● I was able to + infinitive
● I managed to + infinitive
● I succeded in + verb + ing
● People expect us to / want us to be
to act a certain way under any circumstances
● We are supposed to
● We are taught to
One has to fight to succeed (no pain, no gain). Yet even if life is a constant battle, every cloud has a silver lining.