02 Fév 2010, 16:12
Solution for Windows 7 (i think its the same for Vista)
A. Install your wanted mod according to install orders of the mod.
write down (or remember) the path-name of the mod
write down (or remember) the name of the mods´ .cfg file (hint: many mods using a .bat-file linked behind the mod-icon on your desktop...in that .bat-file you may find the proper info.)
B. start the registry editor, for example with typing in "regedit" under the run option (?), down in the start menu.
You need to look for the proper key, which is not the same as for WinXP.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\Mods\
1. add a new key called "unofficial" under the existing "mod" key (i think you can alternatively put a new key 0004xxxx under "official" key)
2. make a new key "0000xxxxxxx" under the "unofficial" key (if you want to add more mods, you need to go on with 0001xxxx, 0002xxxx etc.)
3. make all the new entries like in the screenie. its a mere copy of the entries from the official mod keys and strings.
I made red circles around the most important binaries/strings, which is:
The ConfigFile - here you need to add the corresponding .cfg from your preferred mod. (e.g DLV_ext.cfg for DeusLoVult)
The GameExe - here you need to add kingdoms.exe, because thats our ultimate goal
The Path - here you need to add the complete path for the mod, including the "mods/xxxx", where xxxx is the path-name of your mod, (e.g. mods/DLV_ext for DeusLoVult)
the other strings should be filled correct, but are more or less fluff.
then close the registry editor.
C. start the m2tw launcher und choose your new added mod
02 Fév 2010, 17:44
02 Fév 2010, 17:58
02 Fév 2010, 18:05
Bibpanda a écrit:C'est pas gagné il te demande de gratter dans le registre de windows et d'éditer les clefs de registre hexadécimal, bon courage à toi Gob.
02 Fév 2010, 18:07
02 Fév 2010, 18:48
02 Fév 2010, 21:45
03 Fév 2010, 01:30
03 Fév 2010, 05:48
03 Fév 2010, 14:18
3. make all the new entries like in the screenie. its a mere copy of the entries from the official mod keys and strings.
I made red circles around the most important binaries/strings, which is:
The ConfigFile - here you need to add the corresponding .cfg from your preferred mod. (e.g DLV_ext.cfg for DeusLoVult)
The GameExe - here you need to add kingdoms.exe, because thats our ultimate goal
The Path - here you need to add the complete path for the mod, including the "mods/xxxx", where xxxx is the path-name of your mod, (e.g. mods/DLV_ext for DeusLoVult)
03 Fév 2010, 14:31
03 Fév 2010, 14:41
04 Fév 2010, 01:55
04 Fév 2010, 02:38
04 Fév 2010, 07:49
Zobi1 a écrit:Dois-je rappeler que Gob a mis 2 ans pour réussir à mettre un avatar ?
04 Fév 2010, 08:26
04 Fév 2010, 09:15
04 Fév 2010, 11:01
04 Fév 2010, 11:07
04 Fév 2010, 11:11
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