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03 Sep 2005, 12:07

elboutch a écrit:b.harper,
C'est vrai que ca evite d'aller au tabac mais tu y perds un peu la notion de l'argent. A toi de voir, si tu aimes toucher les billets...
Croatie et Pologne tu y crois pas ?

je ne connais pas assez bien ces deux equipes

03 Sep 2005, 12:16

bon maintenant mon ticket penche vers un
suede,angleterre et suisse(car elle amrque beaucoup de buts) plus les feroe
a 20 euros

03 Sep 2005, 12:17

b.harper, suisse, je sais pas israel est encore dans le coup, un contre face aus suisses qui se doivent de gagner est vite arrivé...

03 Sep 2005, 12:19


bon alors ca sera suede,angleterre,feroe et vous me conseillez qui comme quatrieme

je vais faire qu'un seul ticket finalement a 20€ ou 50€


03 Sep 2005, 12:19

j'ose l'argentine?
ou bien je fais seulement feroe,suede,angleterre a 50€ voir 20€

03 Sep 2005, 12:22

b.harper, déjà féroe, c'est osé mais tu as le feeling que ce jeu nécessite...

tu veux une cote élevée...

03 Sep 2005, 12:23

franchement je ne vois pas du tout la france gagner 3-0 ou plus
il y aura trop de pression

03 Sep 2005, 12:24

b.harper, je vois le nul perso...

03 Sep 2005, 12:29

La croatie et la pologne sont pas mal je pense

03 Sep 2005, 12:41

voici le ticket de mon pere
c'est un gros ouf
suede,liberie,cote d'ivoire,france,bayonne et pologne pour 6 euros (5 sur 6)

03 Sep 2005, 12:45

bon allez un 3 sur 4 a 20 euros
pologne,suede,angleterre et feroe
je vais etre raisonnable

03 Sep 2005, 12:47

b.harper, quels gains...

03 Sep 2005, 12:48

c'est a dire lol

03 Sep 2005, 12:49

b.harper, il rapporte combieb si tout est ok...

03 Sep 2005, 12:54

en gros 100 euros pour 20 €
mais je me dit que si les feroe passe pas je perdrais de l'argent donc autant le faire en ticket simple ca serait peut etre plus astucieux
mais c'est bizarre j'ai un vieux doute sur la pologne je ne la connais pas du tout cette equipe et je ne la sens.je vous fais confiance
je vois plus la suisse
donc je reflechis encore lol :lol:
et comme le match de la suisse est a 17h15 si ils perdent j'aurais le temps de faire match nul pour la france (si je fais un 3 sur 4)

en gros car je n'ai pas été tres clair
si je mets la suisse a la place de la pologne ca sera un 3 sur 4
et si je garde la pologne ca sera un ticket simple

03 Sep 2005, 12:56

en ticket simple avec la pologne ca revient a 150€
et le 3 sur 4 avec la suisse 105 €

03 Sep 2005, 13:01

b.harper, que la chance soit avec toi :wink: ..

03.09 - Poland vs Austria (By: Lutrixxx)

Very important match tonight for one of the favourites in this group Poland. They have 6 wins and only 1 loss from 7 matches played. The battle with England for direct qualification will be very tough. They can't allow themselves to loose point in this match. That's why I think it is a almost 100% home win. Here's some information about the current sitiation in the teams.

In Poland squad after 18-month absense returns the striker Emanuel Olisadebe. This is a very good news for their coach. Questionable is Bayer leverkusen's midfielder Kjinowek, but the worst anxiety is the goalkeeper position, where Jerjy Dudek is injured in the arm and is unavailable.

For Austria the win is without an alternative. Hans Krankel's formation nevertheless is too young and not so harmonized in play. Pogatez will play even though his suspension not to play in the domestic league, and in the attack Kulic (Reid) and Linc (Austria Wien) will be partners.

Considering the above information i will back Poland with max stakes. I think they are the better team.

Prediction 1: Home Win
Odds: 1.62
Stakes: 10/10

03.09 - Switzerland vs Israel (By: jop4423)

Group 4 is so to say "The draw" group.And now the teams of Switzerland and Israel will play I suppose for the next draw in the group.Switzerland with the likes of Zuberbuhler, Vogel, Frei and Vonlanthen they can potentially beat any other team in Europe, especially at home, where they didn't lose for the past 9 years.But at this time the clash in this group is very hard:four teams are fighting for two places which will send them to Germany.The team of Israel is highly motivated too.And the main weapon for Israel to avoid defeat against Switzerland is their top scorer - Yossi Benayoun who is in excellent condition.I think the players from this young team are enough strong and convinced in their own chances to oppose
the really succesful team of Switzerland.The last match between these two teams finshed 2:2 so i think their chances are equal and my prediction for this play i draw.

Prediction: Draw

Short preview. Being in the most open group in this WCQ, Switzerland have actually a chance to top the group after this match. They will be motivated… that’s for sure and the home ground advantage they have will work towards their goal. They are not too impressive at home… but they have played well so far. With the likes of Yakin (only Hakan), Frei, Volanthen, Cabanas, Vogel and co leading their lineups… and plus the fact of playing this match in Basel, they will have the edge over their upcoming opponents, Israel. Israel have been playing good so far… and they too have a chance to qualify for Germany next year. Benayoun will be the man to watch… but the recent repot that Ben Haim is a major doubt will have some impact onto their defense. While Israel are third in the group… they away performances have not been impressive. Now, Switzerland might have a more impressive line up… but the motivation that will be with Israel cannot be underestimated. However, I foresee home ground will play a major role here… and although I expect a close match but I believe the Swiss side with have the capability to edge out Israel to top the group. Therefore, Switzerland home win will be my choice. Good Luck!~!

à toi de jouer :mrgreen:

03 Sep 2005, 13:02

suisse ou pologne? telle est la question

03 Sep 2005, 13:04

ce qui me fait peur c'est "the draw group"
c'est mauvais signe ca
bon ca sera la pologne alors surement ou bayonne
quelqu'un qui s'y connais en rugby pourrait me parler de bayonne?
Modifié en dernier par b.harper le 03 Sep 2005, 13:06, modifié 1 fois.

03 Sep 2005, 13:05


pour te choisir un bookmaker en ligne...

ou alors l'allemagne, serbie, croatie à la place :wink: